2004年11月至2005年10月,在国家留学基金委 -“杰出青年学者数学物理研修项目”资助下赴美国麻省理工学院物理系凝聚态理论研究组研修。
研究领域涉及拓扑绝缘体、拓扑超导体、拓扑半金属、拓扑序和拓扑量子计算、非厄米物理、强关联电子系统、高温超导理论、冷原子物理等,共发表学术论文100余篇,其中Nature Communication 2篇,PRL4篇,PR40余篇。目前主要从事新奇拓扑量子态及其量子调控。
• 非厄米系统中新奇拓扑量子态
• 拓扑能带系统和高阶拓扑系统
• 具有长程纠缠的拓扑态
• 冷原子中的多体物理
1. 电磁学
2. 凝聚态物理学(原理)
2. 主持国家自然科学基金项目– 开放多体拓扑量子态的物性和相变(1217040237)2022.1-2025.12。
3.主持国家自然科学基金项目– 新奇拓扑量子态的纠缠和退纠缠: 探索有限温度普适拓扑量子计算(11974053)2020.1-2023.12。
4. 主持国家自然科学基金项目 – 关联拓扑半金属中的新奇量子态及其调控(11674026)2017.1-2020.12。
5. 主持国家自然科学基金项目 – 拓扑量子态中缺陷的物理性质及其调控(11474025)2015.1-2018.12。
6. 主持国家自然科学基金项目 – 中等强度关联电子系统中的新奇量子态(11174035)2012.1-2015.12。
7. 主持教育部博士点基金 – “拓扑超导体和拓扑量子计算”(20130003110006) (博导类), 2014.1-2016.12.
8. 参加北京师范大学自主科研基金重大项目– “人工结构材料中的量子信息学研究”, 2011.1-2014.12。
9. 参加2010年科技部立项973重大科学研究计划– “复杂电子体系的超敏量子调控”(2011CB921800)。
10. 参加2011年科技部立项973重大科学研究计划– “功能关联电子材料及其低能激发与拓扑量子性质的调控研究”(2012CB921704)。
11. 主持国家自然科学基金项目 –“拓扑序的量子相变和量子调控”(10874017)2009.1-2011.12(已结题)。
12. 主持教育部博士点基金 – “拓扑态的量子调控”(20100003110006) (博导类), 2011.1-2013.12(已结题)。
13. 主持教育部《新世纪优秀人才计划》–“认识和实现拓扑序”(NCET-07-0087),2008.1-2010.12(已结题)。
14. 主持教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金, 2008.1-2010.12(已结题)。
15. 主持国家自然科学基金项目 —“强关联系统的新奇量子态与拓扑量子计算”(10574014),2006.1-2008.12(已结题)。
16. 主持国家自然科学基金项目–“铜氧化物高温超导体基态反常属性的研究”(10204004),2003.1-2005.12(已结题)。
17. 主持国家留学基金委-“杰出青年学者数学物理研修项目” (2004年)(已结题)。
18. 主持北京师范大学青年科学基金项目–“强关联电子系统中规范场的研究”(10110719)(已结题)。
19. 参加北京师范大学985创新群体项目– “低维凝聚态物理” (已结题)。
20. 参加国家自然科学基金项目–“玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚中的亚稳定性和隧道效应研究”(10175039)(已结题)。
1. Xiao-Ran Wang, Cui-Xian Guo, Kou SP,Defective Edge States and Anomalous Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in non-HermitianTopological Systems, Phys. Rev. B 101, 121116 (Rapid communication)(2020);
2. Cui-Xian Guo, Xiao-Ran Wang, Kou SP, Non-HermitianDynamical Strings and Anomalous Topological Degeneracy on non-HermitianToric-code Model with Parity-time Symmetry, Phys. Rev.B 101, 144439(2020);
3. Can Wang, Meng-Lei Yang, Cui-Xian Guo, Xiao-Ming Zhao,and Kou SP, Effective non-Hermitian physics for degenerate groundstates of a non-Hermitian Ising model with RT symmetry, EUR.PHYS.LETTS.12841001(2019);
4. Can Wang, Xiao-Ran Wang, Cui-Xian Guo, and KouSP, Defective Edge states and Anomalous Bulk-boundary Correspondence forTopological Insulators under Non-Hermitian Similarity Transformation, Int.J. Mod. Phys. B 34,2050146 (2020);
5. Cui-Xian Guo, Xiao-Ran Wang, Kou SP,Non-Hermitian Avalanche Effect: Non-Perturbative Effect Induced by LocalNon-Hermitian Perturbation on a Z2 Topological Order, EPL. 131 27002(2020);
6. Fei Yang, Heng Wang, Meng-Lei Yang, Cui-Xian Guo,Xiao-Ran Wang, Gao-Yong Sun, and Kou SP, Hidden continuous quantumphase transition without gap closing in non-Hermitian transverse Ising model,New J. Phys. 24, 043046(2022).
7. Xiao-Ran Wang, Cui-Xian Guo, Qian Du, Kou SP,State-Dependent Topological Invariants and Anomalous Bulk-BoundaryCorrespondence in Non-Hermitian Topological Systems with Generalized InversionSymmetry, CPL 37 117303 (2020) (invited review).
8. Xiao-Ming Zhao, Cui-Xian Guo, Meng-Lei Yang, HengWang, Wu-Ming Liu, and Kou SP, Anomalous non-Abelian statistics fornon-Hermitian generalization of Majorana zero modes, Phys. Rev.B 104, 214502(2021).
9. Xiao-Ming Zhao, Cui-Xian Guo, Kou SP, LinZhuang, and Wu-Ming Liu, Defective Majorana zero modes in a non-Hermitian Kitaevchain, Phys. Rev. B 104, 205131 (2021).
10. Gaoyong Sun, Jia-Chen Tang, Kou SP,Biorthogonal quantum criticality in non-Hermitian many-body systems, Front. Phys.17, 33502 (2022).
11. Jia-Chen Tang, Kou SP and GaoyongSun, Dynamical scaling of Loschmidt echo in non-Hermitian systems, Europhys.Lett. 137, 40001 (2022).
12. Qian Du, Kui Cao, and Kou SP, Physics ofPT-symmetric quantum systems at finite temperatures, Phys. Rev. A 106, 032206(2022).
13. 王晓然, 寇谡鹏, 非厄米拓扑量子态中的病态和反常, 中国科学: 物理学力学天文学第52卷第7期: 270009, 2022年.
14. Kui Cao, Qian Du, and Kou SP,Many-body non-Hermitian skin effect at finite temperatures, Phys. Rev. B108,165420(2023).
15. Fei Yang, Zheng Wei, Xianqi Tong, KuiCao, and Kou SP, Symmetry classes of dissipative topological insulators withedge dark states, Phys. Rev. B 107,165139 (2023).
16. Qian Du, Kui Cao and Kou SP,Non-Hermitian Ising model at finite temperature, Commun. Theor. Phys. 75,045701 (2023).
17. Xiao-Ran Wang, Xiao-Jie Yu, Fei Yang, and KouSP, Physical Exceptional Points without Degeneracy of Energy Levels,arXiv:2109.05980.
18. K. Cao and Kou SP, Topological phase ofmany-body non-Hermitian systems, arXiv:2311.03043 (2023).
19. Xianqi Tong, Kou SP, First-order QuantumPhase Transitions and Localization in the 2D Haldane Model with Non-HermitianQuasicrystal Boundaries, arXiv:2309.09173(2023).
20. Q. Du, Xin-Ran Ma and Kou SP,Non-Hermitian tearing by dissipation, arXiv:2307.14340 (2023).
21. Fei Yang, Zheng Wei, Tian-Meng Li, and KouSP, Topological phases in the periodically kicked Chern insulators,arXiv:2311.03961v1 (2023).
22. Fei Yang, Xue-Ping Ren, and Kou SP,Non-Hermitian Chiral Edge Modes With Complex Fermi Velocity, arXiv:2307.14144(2023).
23. X. Ma, K. Cao, X. Wang, Z. Wei, Kou SP,Chiral Skin Effect, arXiv:2304.01422v1 (2023).
24. Gaoyong Sun, Kou SP, AufbauPrinciple for Non-Hermitian Systems, arXiv:2307.04696 (2023).
25. Chao-Ze Lu, Xiaolong Deng, Kou SP,Gaoyong Sun, Unconventional many-body phase transitions in a non-HermitianIsing chain, arXiv:2311.11251(2023).
1. Yu J, KouSP and Wen XG,Topologicalquantum phase transition in the transverse Wen-plaquette model, EUR.PHYS.LETTS, 84 17004,(2008).
2. KouSP, Levin M, and Wen XG, Mutual Chern-Simons theory for Z2topological order, PHYS. REV.B 78,155134 (2008).
3. Cai Z, ChenS, Kou SP, and Wang YP, Properties of a class of topological phasetransitions, PHYS REV.B 78,035123, (2008).
4. KouSP, Topological Quantum Computation via Quantum Tunneling Effect,PHYS. REV. LETT. 102,120402 (2009).
5. Yu Jand Kou SP, Macroscopic quantum tunneling effect of Z2topological order, PHYS.REV. B80, 075107 (2009).
6. KouSP, Yu J and Wen XG, Mutual Chern-Simons Landau-Ginzburg Theory forContinuous Quantum Phase Transition ofZ2 topological order, PHYS.REV. B.80,125101(2009).
7. KouSP, Realization of Topological Quantum Computation with planar codes, PHYS.REV. A80, 052317(2009).
8. KouSP and Wen XG, Translation-symmetry-protected topological orders inquantum spin systems, PHYS.REV. B 80, 224406(2009), Highlights byEditors‘suggestions.
9. Liu LF andKou SP, Topological quantum phase transition between quantum spinHall state andquantum anomalous Hall state, INTJ MODPHYS B,25, 2323 (2011).
10. KouSP and Wen XG,Translationinvariant topological superconductorson lattice, PHYS.REV. B 82,144501(2010).
11. ZhangL, KouSP, Deng YJ, Quench dynamics of TQPT in Wen-plaquette model,PHYS.REV. A 83, 062113 (2011).
12. LiuLF,ChenBL and Kou SP,classification ofTopological Insulators with Time-reversal and Inversion Symmetry, Commun.Theor.Phys. 55 904(2011).
13. R.-Z.Qiu, KouSP,Z.-X. Hu, Xin Wan, and S. Yi, Quantum Hall effects in fast rotating Fermi gases with anisotropicdipolar interaction, PHYS. REV.A 83,063633 (2011).
14. W.L.Yang, Zhang-qi Yin, Z. X. Chen , Kou SP, M. Feng, and C.H. Oh,Quantum simulation of artificial Abelian gauge fieldusing nitrogen-vacancycenter ensembles coupled to superconducting resonators, PHYS.REV. A 86,012307 (2012).
15. L.F.Liu,X.L. Zhang, and Kou SP, Symmetry-protected quantum phase transitionin topological Insulators, Eur.Phys. J. B85. 271 (2012).
16. JingHe,Jing Yu, Xing-HaiZhang and Kou SP, Emergent supersymmetric manybody systems in adoped Z2 topological order, arXiv:1210.3232.
17. JingHe, Ying-Xue Zhu,Ya-Jie Wu, Lan-FengLiu, Ying Liang, and Kou SP, Particle-HoleSymmetryProtected Zero Modes on Vacancies in the Topological Insulators andTopologicalSuperconductors on the Honeycomb Lattice, PHYS. REV.B 87,075126 (2013).
18. JingYu,Xing-Hai Zhangand Kou SP, Majorana Edge States for Z2 TopologicalOrders of theWen-plaquette Model and the Toric-code Model, PHYS. REV. B 87,184402(2013).
19. C.L.Zang, Jing Yu, Wan-LiYang, Mang Feng, Kou SP, ManipulatingSchrodinger Cat State of anIsing Chain via Quantum Tunneling Effect, INT. J.MOD.PHYS. B 27,1350176 (2013).
20. J.Zhou, Y. J. Wu, R. L.Wu, Kou SP, Hierarchical topologicalsuperconductor —A Majorana vortex lattice model, EPL,102 (2013) 47005.
21. Xin-hua Peng,Zhi-huang Luo, Wen-qiang Zheng, Kou SP, Dieter Suter, and Jiang-feng Du,Experimental Implementation of Adiabatic Passage between Different TopologicalOrders, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113,080404(2014).
22. Ya-JieWu,Jing He,and Kou SP, Topological Mid-gap States of Chern Insulatorwith Flux-Superlattice, EPL,105,47002 (2014).
23. JiangZhou, Shi-Zhu Wang,Ya-Jie Wu, Rong-Wu Li, and Kou SP, TopologicalMid-gap States of px+ipy Topological Superconductor with Vortex superlattice, PhysicsLetters A378,2576 (2014).
24. Ya-JieWu,Jing He, Kou SP, Realizing Universal Majorana Fermionic QuantumComputation, PHYS. REV.A 90, 022324 (2014).
25. JingHe,Ying Liang, and Kou SP, Topological hierarchy insulators and topologicalfractal insulators, EPL, 112,17010 (2015).
26. He,Jing; KouSP, Topological hierarchy matters - topological matters with superlatticesof defects, CHINESE PHYSICS B25, 117310 (2016) (invited review).
27. Cheng,Qiu-Bo;He, Jing; Yu, Jing, Zhao, XM, Kou SP, Polygon sign rules ofMajoranafermions in two-dimensional topological superconductors, INT.J.MOD.PHYS.30,1650213 (2016).
28. Cheng,Qiu-Bo, He,Jing, Kou SP, Verifying non-Abelian statistics bynumerical braiding Majorana fermions, Physics Letters A,V380, 779(2016).
29. Xiao-MingZhao, Xiao Kong,Cui-Xian Guo,Ya-Jie Wu, Kou SP, Fermi Arcs inTilted WeylSemimetals: Classification, Evolution and Transport Properties, EPL120 47004(2017).
30. Zhao,Xiao-Ming;Yu, Jing; He, Jing, Cheng, QB, Liang Y, Kou SP, Thesimulation ofnon-Abelian statistics of Majorana fermions in Ising chain with Z2 symmetry,MOD. PHYS. LETTS. B, V31, 1750123 (2017).
31. He,Jing;Kong,Xiao; Wang, Wei, Kou SP, Type-II nodal line semimetal, NEWJOURNALOF PHYSICS 20, 053019 (2018).
32. Bogoliubovexcitationsin a Bose-Hubbard model on a hyperhoneycomb lattice, Zhou,Wen-yan; Wu,Ya-jie; Kou SP, CHINESE PHYSICS B V27, 050302(2018).
33. Chen,Tian,Zhang,Shihao, Zhang, Yi, Liu, Yulong, Kou SP, Sun, Houjun,Zhang,Xiangdong, Experimental observation of classical analogy of topologicalentanglement entropy, Nature Communications. 10, 1557 (2019).
34. Wang,Heng,Cheng, Qiu-Bo, Kong, Xiao, Guo,Cui-Xian, Wu, Ya-Jie, Kou SP,Non-locality effect of Majorana fermions via local entanglement entropy,ModernPhysics Letters B, 36. 2150087, (2020).
35. YaJieWu, Tan-Biao, Gao, Kou SP, Majorana corner modes in an s-wavesecondorder topological superfluid, Journal of Physics. Condensed matter,32:145601(2020).
36. Nana Chang, Sinan Gundogdu, Daniel Leykam, Dimitris G. Angelakis, Kou SP, Sergej Flach, andAleksandra Maluckov, Nonlinear Bloch wave dynamics inphotonic Aharonov–Bohmcages, APL Photonics 6, 030801 (2021).
37. Bokun Lyu, Yang Li, Qianwen Jia,Haojie Li,Guoxia Yang, Fengzhao Cao, KouSP, Dahe Liu, Tun Cao, Guixin Li, andJinwei Shi, Manipulating the Chiralityof Moiré Meta surface by Symmetry Breaking, Laser Photonics Rev.,17, 2201004(2023).
38. KouSP, Unique Quantum Topological State with Emergent Quantum Gravity,arXiv:1907.13436.
1. CaiZ,Chen S, Kou SP, Wang YP,Two-dimensionalspin-1frustrated Heisenberg model with valence-bond ground states,PHYS REV. B76, 054443,(2007).
2. KouSP, Spin-charge separation in a nodal antiferromagnetic insulator,PHYS. REV. B 78,233104(2008).
3. SunGYand Kou SP, Quantum Non-Magnetic states near Metal-InsulatorTransition,EUR. PHYS.LETTS, 87 67002(2009).
4. SunGYand Kou SP, Anomalous Spin Dynamics of Hubbard Model on HoneycombLattices, J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 045603.
5. KouSP, Liu LF, He J, Wu YJ, Quantum spin liquid in with fermionizedvortices,EUR. PHYS.J. B. 81, 165(2011).
6. HeJ, KouSP, Liang Y, Feng SP, Chiral Spin Liquid in Correlated TopologicalInsulator, PHYS. REV. B 83, 205116 (2011).
7. HeJ,Zong YH, Kou SP, Liang Y, Feng SP, Topological Spin Density Wave,PHYS. REV.B 84, 035127 (2011).
8. HeJ,Liang Y,Kou SP, Composite spinliquid in correlatedtopological insulator – spin liquid without spin-charge separation, PHYS.REV. B85, 205107 (2012).
9. PengLiand Kou SP, Topological edge states in spin 1bilinear-biquadraticmodel, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24 446001(2012).
10. Yan-HuaZong, Jing He,and Kou SP, Quantum spin liquid in interactingKane-Mele model withstaggered on-site potential, Eur. Phys. J. B (2013) 86:28.
11. JingHe,Bo Wang,and Kou SP, Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism ofCorrelatedTopological Insulator with Flat Band, PHYS.REV. B 86,235146(2012).
12. YingLiang, Jing He,Ya-Jie Wu, Ying-Xue Zhu, and Kou SP, Topological SuperconductorsinCorrelated Topological Insulators on the Honeycomb Lattice, Eur. Phys. J. B86:466 (2013).
13. Ya-JieWu,Jiang Zhou,and Kou SP, Strongly Fluctuating Fermionic Superfluidin Attractiveπ-Flux Hubbard Model, PHYS.REV. A 89, 013619 (2014).
14. Ya-JieWu,Jiang Zhou,and Kou SP, Quantum Phase Liquid - Fermionic Superuid without PhaseCoherence, EPL,105,47002 (2014).
15. Ying-XueZhu, Jing He,Chun-Li Zang, Ying Liang, Kou SP,MagneticTopological Insulators at FiniteTemperature,J. Phys.: Condens.Matter 26, 175601(2014).
16. Yang Li,Jing He,and Kou SP, Theory of Vacancy-Induced Intrinsic Magnetic Impuritywith Quasi-Localized Spin Moment in Graphene, PHYSICALREVIEW B 90,201406(R)(2014).
17. Yang Xue,Jing He,Xing-Hai Zhang and Kou SP, Theory of ferrimagnetism in the Hubbardmodel on bipartite lattices with spectral symmetry, J. Phys.: Condens.Matter27, 356001 (2015).
18. Ya-JieWu, Ning Li,and Kou SP, Chiral topological superfluids in the attractiveHaldane-Hubbard model with opposite Zeeman energy at two sublatticesites, Eur.Phys. J. B. 88, 255 (2015).
19. Ya-JieWu, Ning Li, JingHe, Kou SP, Antiferromagnetic order driven chiral topological spindensity waves on the repulsive Haldane-Hubbard model on squarelattices, J.Phys.: Condens. Matter,V28, 115602 (2016).
20. Li, Yang;Dong,Shuai, Kou SP, Topological end states in two-orbitaldouble-exchange model for colossal magnetoresistivemanganites, PHYS.REV. B, V93, 085139 (2016).
21. Wu,Ya-Jie; Li, Ning; He,Jing, Kou SP, Chiral quantum spin liquid onthe repulsiveHaldane-Hubbard model in square lattices, J. Phys.: Condens.Matter, V29, 465601(2017).
22. Zhou,Jiang,Wu,Ya-Jie, Kou SP, Duality of deconfined quantum critical point intwo dimensional Dirac semimetals, Chinese Physics B28, 017402 (2019).
23. JiangZhou, Ya-Jie Wu,and Kou SP, Quantum critical duality in two-dimensional Diracsemimetals, Chinese Phys. B28 017402 (2019).
24. GaoyongSun, Bo-BoWei, Kou SP, Fidelity as a probe for a deconfined quantumcritical point, Phys. Rev. B100, 064427 (2019).
25. Zhou J,Qi X , WuY, Kou SP, Parity anomaly of lattice Maxwell fermions in twospatial dimensions, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32. 405503(2020).
26. Xin Liu,Wenjie Song, Mei Wu, Yuben Yang, Ying Yang,Peipei Lu, Yinhua Tian, YuanweiSun, Jingdi Lu, Jing Wang, Dayu Yan, Youguo Shi,Nian Xiang Sun, Young Sun,Peng Gao, Ka Shen, Guozhi Chai, Kou SP,Ce-Wen Nan & Jinxing Zhang, Magnetoelectric phase transition driven byinterfacial-engineered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, Nature Communications12, 5453 (2021).
1. Kou SP, WengZY, Topological gauge structure and phase diagram for weaklydopedantiferromagnets,PHYS. REV.LETT 90, 157003(2003).
2. Kou SP, WengZY,Holes as dipoles in a dopedantiferromagnetand stripe instabilities,PHYS. REV. B67, 115103(2003).
3. Kou SP,Fermion zero modes around skyrmions in thet'-J model,MOD. PHYS.LETT B 17, 871(2003) .
4. Kou SP, QIXL,Weng ZY,MutualChern-Simons effective theory of doped antiferromagnets,PHYS. REV. B 71,235102(2005).
5. Kou SP, QIXL,Weng ZY,Spin Hall effectin a doped Mott insulator,PHYS. REV. B72,165114(2005).
6. YangF, KouSP,Growth of asinglestripe and a stripe phasefrom in dividual holes in the low-doping regime of astrongly correlatedelectron system,PHYS.REV. B 72, 085134 (2005).
7. KouSP, WengZY ,Self-localization of holes in a lightlydopedMott insulator,EUR. PHYS.J. B 47,37(2005-09).
8. KouSP, TaoLi, and Weng ZY, Coupled Local Moments and Itinerant Electrons in Iron-BasedSuperconductors, EUR. PHYS. LETTS, 88,17010 (2009).
9. YangF, KouSP and Weng ZY, Collective spin mode in a multicomponent system ofcoupled itinerant and localized electrons,PHYS. REV. B81, 245130(2010).
10. You YZ, Yang F, Kou SP,WengZY, Magnetic and superconducting instabilities in a hybrid model ofitinerant/localized electrons for iron pnictides, PHYS. REV. B 84,054527(2011).
11. YouYZ, Yang F, KouSP, WengZY, Phase diagram and a possible unifed description of intercalated ironselenide Superconductors,Phys. Rev.Lett. 107, 167001 (2011).
1. Kou SP and Li RH, BosonicGutzwiller projection approach for the Bose-Hubbard Model , INT JMOD PHYS B21,249 (2007).
2. KouSP andLi RH, Quantum critical point in stronglycorrelated Rb-87 atoms in optical lattice,PHYS.LETT. A361, 418 (2007).
3. ChenBL,HuangXB, Kou SP, Zhang YB,Mott-HubbardTransition of Bosons in Optical Lattices with Three-body Interactions,PHYS.REV.A 78,043603,(2008).
4. ChenBL, KouSP,Zhang YB and Chen S, Quantum Phases of Bose-Hubbard Model in OpticalSuperlattices, PHYS. REV.A 81, 053608 (2010).
5. Chen BL and KouSP, Emergence of Topological Fermi Liquid from a Strongly CorrelatedBosonic System in Optical Superlattices, MOD. PHYS. LETT B25, 813 (2011).
6. Xing-HaiZhangand Kou SP, Mott Insulator-Superfluid Transition in a GeneralizedBose-Hubbard Model with Topologically Non-trivial Flat-Band,InternationalJournal of Modern Physics B. V 27, 1250214 (2012).
7. WuYJ, He J, ZangCL, Kou SP,TopologicalSuperfluid in P-band Optical Lattice,PHYS.REV. B86, 085128 (2012).
8. WuYJ, He J, ZangCL, Kou SP , Topological superfluid in a fermionic bilayeroptical lattice, Eur. Phys. J. B86: 105(2013) .
9. Xing-HaiZhang,Wen-Jun Fan, Jin-Wei Shi, and Kou SP, Ultracold Quantum Gases inOptical Lattice with Topological Defects: Its Physics andExperimentalProposal, New J. Phys. 17, 103019 (2015).
10. Kou SP, Knot Physics onEntangled Vortex-Membranes: classification, Dynamics and Effective Theory, Int.J Mod. Phys. B, V32, 1850090 (2018) (77 pages).
11. Kou SP, Topological Interplaybetween Knots and Entangled Vortex-Membranes, arxiv: 1706.06879,published as achapter in book “Superfluidsand Superconductors”.
12. Kou SP, Kelvin wave and knotdynamics on entangled vortices, INT. J. MOD. PHYS, Vol. 31 (2017)1750241(86pages).
13. Kong, Xiao; He, Jing;Liang, Ying, KouSP, Tunable Weyl semimetal and its possible realization in opticallattices, PHYS. REV.A95, 033629 (2017).
14. Wu,Ya-Jie; Zhou,Wen-Yan; KouSP, Bogoliubov excitations in the Bose-Hubbard extension of a Weylsemimetal, PHYS. REV.A95, 023620 (2017).
15. Wu, Ya-Jie; KouSP,Fractionalizedflux, Majorana fermions and non-Abelian anyons in topological superfluid onoptical lattices, EPL, 116, 13002 (2016).
16. Wu, Ya-Jie; Li, Ning; KouSP,Majorana modes and topological superfluids for ultracold fermionic atoms inanisotropic square optical lattices, Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 282 (2016).
17. Wu, Ya-Jie; Li, Ning; Zhou,Jiang, KouSP, Jing Yu, Majorana modes and s-wave topological superfluids in ultracoldfermionic atoms, J. Phys.B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR ANDOPTICAL PHYSICS, V49,185301(2016).
18. Chang NN, JingWQ, Zhang Y, Zhang AX , JK, Kou SP, Collapses-revivals phenomenainduced by weak magnetic flux in diamond chain, Chinese physics B.29,010306(2020).
1. KouSP,Liang JQ, Zhang YB, et al., Crossover from thermal hopping to quantum tunnelingin Mn12Ac, PHYS.REV. B 59, 6309 (1999).
2. Kou SP,Liang JQ, Zhang YB, et al., Macroscopic quantum coherence in mesoscopicferromagnetic systems, PHYS. REV. B59, 11792(1999).
3. ZhangYB, NieYH, Kou SP, et al., Periodic instanton and phase transitioninquantum tunneling of spin systems, PHYS.LETT. A 253, 345(1999).
4. Zhang YB,Liang JQ,Muller-Kirsten HJW, Kou SP, Wang XB and Pu FC,Quantum-classical phase transition of escaperates inbiaxial spin particles, PHYS. REV. B 60, 12886(1999).
5. Zhu JL,Lu R, KouSP, et al.,Resonant quantum coherence of magnetizationat excitedstates in nano-spin systems with different crystal symmetries, EUR. PHYS. J B 16,507 (2000).
6. Lu R, Kou SP, ZhuJL, et al.,Magnetizationquantum tunneling at excitedlevels for a biaxial spin system in an arbitrarily directed magnetic field,PHYS. REV. B62, 3346(2000).
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1. 拓扑量子态简介:
拓扑绝缘体的发现源于能带电子的量子霍尔效应。Thouless等人论证了可以用所谓的第一陈类来刻画其拓扑特性。由于第一陈类是拓扑数,人们将这类系统称为拓扑绝缘体。拓扑绝缘体的体电子态是有能隙的绝缘体,而其边界则是无能隙的金属态。实验中二维、三维拓扑绝缘体的发现使得该领域成为当今凝聚态物理学的热点领域之一。最早提出的拓扑超导是研究高温超导体时提出的dx+idy手征超导体,由于高温超导体被证实为d波超导,所以相关研究停滞多年。后来,人们认识到px+ipy手征超导体的涡旋具有非阿贝尔统计,可以用于拓扑量子计算,在实验上,除了He3超流的B相,人们还没有找到拓扑超导体(拓扑超流体)。1994年Hashimoto 等人发现了Sr2RuO4材料具有超导性质。它的Tc虽然只有1 K,但是由于可能具有px+ipy手征序参量,人们开始关注这类材料。人们还提出了其它方案是实现拓扑超导体,包括三维强拓扑绝缘体和s-波超导体的界面近邻效应、3D拓扑绝缘体和准一维s-波超导体的近邻效应等。
拓扑序(Topological Order)作为第一类拓扑量子态,它的发现和认识大大拓宽了人们对物态的认识。拓扑序具有奇特的拓扑属性:拓扑简并、手征边缘态、分数统计等。由于所有元激发都有能隙,拓扑序具有稳定的物理性质。分数量子霍尔效应是凝聚态物理中发现的第一种拓扑序。另一方面,要使量子计算成为现实,一个核心问题就是克服退相干以保持量子相干性。因此,依托于新奇量子态的拓扑量子计算被提了出来。如Kitaev在1997年提出的拓扑自纠错方案正是基于具有“非阿贝尔任意子”的新奇量子态。
2. 非厄米物理系统:
在量子力学中,由于系统能量的测量值只能是实数,人们一直以来都在研究厄米系统的性质。1998年,Bender和Boettcher发现具有宇称-时间反演对称(PT -对称)的非厄米哈密顿量也可以存在全为实数的能谱。这一发现使得具有PT对称性的非厄米系统受到关注。近年来,实验和理论的进展极大地促进了非厄米量子力学的发展。由于光学技术、量子调控技术的进步,人们在越来越多的物理系统(如, 开放量子系统,自旋模型,光学系统,声学系统, 冷原子系统)中实现了PT对称的非厄米系统。
目前,非厄米拓扑系统的研究方兴未艾,成为另一个物理学热点研究方向。人们发现非厄米性会带来一系列新奇的拓扑现象。2018年,基于K理论,人们对不同对称性的非厄米系统中的拓扑能带进行了系统的研究,发现将非厄米量子系统的拓扑能带不同于传统厄米量子系统中的十类拓扑能带(ten-fold way), 有三十八种不同的对称性保护的拓扑能带。
3. 强关联电子系统和高温超导体简介
4. 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚和冷原子简介
玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体所具有的奇特性质,使它不仅对基础研究有重要意义,而且在很多领域都让人看到了非常美好的应用前景。凝聚体中的原子几乎不动,可以用来设计精确度更高的原子钟。凝聚体具有很好相干性,可以用于研制高精度的原子干涉仪。原子激光也可能用于集成电路的制造,大大提高集成电路的密度和电脑芯片的运算速度。凝聚体还被建议用于量子信息的处理,为量子计算机的研究提供另外一种选择。 由于冷原子系统可以模拟没有杂质和缺陷的不同维度、不同对称性的晶格,所以成为人工制造新物态的试验平台。 2002年实验上在人工光学晶格中实现了早些年理论中预言的玻色Hubbard模型的Mott绝缘体-超流转变。这不仅有重要的理论价值,而且作为一种新型的量子开关促进了量子器件和量子计算机的开发研制工作。《自然》杂志发表评论认为,这一发现在玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚研究中具有"里程碑性质"。接着,奥地利和美国的两个研究小组,利用费米子而不是玻色子分别得到了玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态物质。这项研究将玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的研究与超导研究联系在一起,有可能开创一个全新的研究时代,帮助科学家更深入地了解高温超导的秘密。