2017.7∼2019.6 北京大学物理学院 博士后
2012.9∼2017.7 北京大学物理学院 理学博士
2008.9∼2012.7 北京大学物理学院 理学学士
2019.9∼至今 北京师范大学 讲师
1. Xiao-Chong Yu, Yanyan Zhi, Shui-Jing Tang, Bei-Bei Li, Qihuang Gong, Cheng-Wei Qiu and Yun-Feng Xiao*, "Optically sizing single atmospheric particulates with a 10-nm resolution using a strong evanescent field", Light Sci. Appl. 7, 18003 (2018).
2. Yanyan Zhi†, Xiao-Chong Yu†, Qihuang Gong, Lan Yang, Yun-Feng Xiao*, "Single Nanoparticle Detection Using Optical Microcavities", Adv. Mater. 29(12), 1604920 (2017).
3. Xiao-Chong Yu†, Bei-Bei Li†, Pan Wang, Limin Tong, Xue-Feng Jiang, Yan Li, Qihuang Gong, and Yun-Feng Xiao, "Single Nanoparticle Detection and Sizing Using a Nanofiber Pair in Aqueous Environment", Adv. Mater. 26(44), 7462-7467 (2014).
4. Bo-Qiang Shen†, Xiao-Chong Yu†, Yanyan Zhi†, Li Wang, Donghyun Kim, Qihuang Gong, and Yun-Feng Xiao*, "Detection of Single Nanoparticles Using the Dissipative Interaction in a High-Q Microcavity", Phys. Rev. Appl. 5(2), 024011 (2016).
5. Xiao-Chong Yu, Yong-Chun Liu, Meng-Yuan Yan, Wei-Liang Jin, and Yun-Feng Xiao, "Coupling of diamond nanocrystals to a high-Q whispering-gallery microresonator", Phys. Rev. A 86(4), 043833 (2012).
6. Bei-Bei Li, William R. Clements, Xiao-Chong Yu, Kebin Shi, Qihuang Gong, and Yun-Feng Xiao, "Single nanoparticle detection using split-mode microcavity Raman lasers", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111(41), 14657-14662 (2014).
7. Yong-Chun Liu, Yun-Feng Xiao*, You-Ling Chen, Xiao-Chong Yu, and Qihuang Gong*, "Parametric Down-Conversion and Polariton Pair Generation in Optomechanical Systems", Phys. Rev. Lett. 111(8), 083601 (2013).
8. Shui-Jing Tang†, Shuai Liu†, Xiao-Chong Yu, Qinghai Song*, Qihuang Gong and Yun-Feng Xiao*, "On-chip spiral waveguides for ultrasensitive and rapid detection of nanoscale objects", Adv. Mater. 30(25), 1800262 (2018).
9. Linbo Shao†, Xue-Feng Jiang†, Xiao-Chong Yu, Bei-Bei Li, William R. Clements, Frank Vollmer, Wei Wang, Yun-Feng Xiao*, and Qihuang Gong*, "Detection of Single Nanoparticles and Lentiviruses Using Microcavity Resonance Broadening", Adv. Mater.25(39), 5616-5620 (2013).
10. Jonathan M. Ward*, Yong Yang, Fuchuan Lei, Xiao-Chong Yu, Yun-Feng Xiao, and Síle Nic Chormaic, "Nanoparticle sensing beyond evanescent field interaction with a quasi-droplet microcavity", Optica 5(6), 674-677 (2018).
11. Pan Wang, Yipei Wang, Zongyin Yang, Xin Guo, Xing Lin, Xiao-Chong Yu, Yun-Feng Xiao, Wei Fang, Lei Zhang, Guowei Lu, Qihuang Gong, and Limin Tong, "Single-Band 2-nm-Line-Width Plasmon Resonance in a Strongly Coupled Au Nanorod", Nano Lett. 15(11), 7581-7586 (2015).
12. Yanyan Zhi, Xiao-Chong Yu, Hao-Jing Chen, Bai-Ou Guan, and Yun-Feng Xiao*, "Noise suppression of mechanical oscillations in a microcavity for ultrasensitive detection", Opt. Lett. 44(10), 2426-2429 (2019).
13. Yinglun Xu, Shui-Jing Tang, Xiao-Chong Yu, You-Ling Chen, Daquan Yang, Qihuang Gong, and Yun-Feng Xiao*, "Mode splitting induced by an arbitrarily shaped Rayleigh scatterer in a whispering-gallery microcavity", Phys. Rev. A 97(6), 063828 (2018).
14. Rui-Shan Liu, Wei-Liang Jin, Xiao-Chong Yu, Yong-Chun Liu, and Yun-Feng Xiao*, "Enhanced Raman scattering of single nanoparticles in a high-Q whispering-gallery microresonator", Phys. Rev. A 91(4), 043836 (2015).