2011年9月∼2017年6月 北京师范大学,物理学系,凝聚态专业,博士
2006年9月∼2010年6月 山东师范大学,物理与电子科学学院,物理学专业,学士
2020年1月∼至今 北京师范大学,物理学系,讲师
2017年8月∼2020年1月 北京计算科学研究中心,博士后
2015年1月∼2019年6月 加州州立大学北岭分校,访问学者
n Zhen Liu, Wenjie Hou, Jorge Botana, Yunfei Sun, Yuanhui Sun, Wencai Yi*, and Yuanzheng Chen*, Unexpected Metastable High-Temperature Superconducting Hydride LaCaH12 with an Irregular Cage Structure at High Pressure, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127, 49, 23870
n Zheng Wang, Haifei Qin, Jiao Chen, Xinyong Cai, Panlong Kong, Zhen Liu,* Bai Sun, Hongyan Wang, Yuxiang Ni and Yuanzheng Chen, A Semiconductor Sc2S3 Monolayer with Ultrahigh Carrier Mobility and UV Blocking Filter Application, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25, 5550
n J. Cheng, B.F. Miao, Z. Liu, M. Yang, K. He, Y.L. Zeng, H. Niu, X. Yang, Z.Q. Wang, X.H. Hong, S.J. Fu, L. Sun, Y. Liu, Y.Z. Wu, Z. Yuan,* and H.F. Ding,* Coherent Picture on the Pure Spin Transport between Ag/Bi and Ferromagnets, Physical Review Letters, 2022, 129, 097203
n Yihong BaiYihong Bai, Zhen Liu, Ling-Jun He, Fernando Ortega, Rafeed Khleif, Yuanzheng Chen, Yuanhui Sun*, Dadong Yan*, and Maosheng Miao*, Prediction of Core Electron Reactivity and High Oxidation States in Radium under High Pressure, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2022. 126(30)
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n Deju Zhang, Xinyi Chen, Peng Jiang, Yunguo Li, Xiaohong Zheng, Zhen Liu, Maosheng Miao, Hong-Mei Huang*, and Yan-Ling Li*, Pressure-tuned one- to quasi-two-dimensional structural phase transition and superconductivity in LiP15, Physical Review B, 2022, 105(094109)
n W. Yi*, X. Jiang,T. Yang, B. Yang, Z. Liu*, and X.Liu*, Crystalline Structures and EnergeticProperties of Lithium Pentazolateunder Ambient Conditions, ACS Omega, 2020,5(38).
n W. Yi*, K. Zhao,Z. Wang, B. Yang, Z. Liu*, X. Liu*,Stabilization of the High-Energy-DensityCuN5 Salts under Ambient Conditions bya Ligand Effect, ACS Omega, 2020, 5(3).
n Y. Bai, Z. Liu, J.Botana, D. Yan*, HQ.Lin*, J. Sun, Chris J. Pickard, Richard J. Needs, MS.Miao*, Electrostatic forcedriven helium insertion into ammonia and watercrystals under pressure, Communications Chemistry, 2019, 2(102).
n Z. Liu, J. Botana,A. Hermann, S. Valdez, E. Zurek,D. Yan*, HQ Lin*, MS Miao*, Reactivity of Hewith Ionic Compounds under HighPressure: Chemistry without Chemical Bonding. Nature Communications, 2018,9(951).
n W. Yi, W. Liu, W.Liu, J. Botana, L. Zhao, Z. Liu, J.Liu*, MS. Miao*, Honeycomb boron allotropeswith Dirac cones: a true analogue tographene. Journal of Physical ChemistryLetters, 2017, 8(12).
n S. K. Saha, Z. Liu, G. Dutta*. Role of CoulombCorrelations on Magnetic Anisotropy in Mn3XFerrimagnet, Scientific Report, 2017, 7(1).
n Z. Liu, J. Botana,MS. Miao*, D. Yan*, Unexpected Xeanions in XeLin intermetallic compounds. Europhysics Letters, 2017, 117(2).
n 刘震, 徐丰, 严大东*, 聚合物-富勒烯太阳能电池器件物理研究进展. 化学学报, 2014, 72(2).