2007.4-2009.3在Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering, University of Hawaii做博士后,导师Dr.Kwok Fai Cheung。
1989.9-1992.7在吉林大学物理系激光物理专业攻读硕士学位,导师高锦岳教授,硕士论文的题目为“Mach-Zehnder 干涉型光学传感器测量DC磁场的研究”。
2000.1- 现在北京师范大学物理系副教授
利用COMCOT (Cornell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model,is a two-dimensional longwave model originally developed by Phillip Liu at Cornell University and had been
modified by the our team。)模拟太平洋周边地震引发的海啸对夏威夷群岛以及周边地区的影响, 并画出夏威夷州的the Tsunami Evacuation Maps。
利用包括五种计算模型( Parametric hurricane winds and pressure (Rankine Vortex), Tides and surge (shallow-water model ECOM Plus, Ocean wave energy (spectral
wave model WW3 ), Coastal wave energy (spectral wave model SWAN ) and Surf-zone waves and runup (Boussinesq BOUSS-2D)的暴风引起的海岸洪流模型,模拟可
能的飓风对夏威夷州的影响,并给出夏威夷州的the hurricane Evacuation Maps。
利用OpenFoam (Open Field Operation and Manipulation, is primarily a C++ toolbox for the customisation and extension of numerical solvers for continuum mechanics
problems, including computational fluid dynamics).软件平台模拟粗糙海底的湍流波边界层流场,从而给出不同海底结构以及不同波强度和频率的摩擦系数。
1. X Kang, Z Dun, Accuracy and grid convergence of wall shear stress measured by lattice Boltzmann method, Int J Mod Phys C, 25(12), pp1450057-13, 2014.
2. X Kang, Assessment of pulsatile wall shear stress in the stenosed and recanalized carotid bifurcations by the lattice Boltzmann method, Computers & Fluids, 97, pp156-163, 2014.
3. X Kang, Lattice Boltzmann simulating hemodynamics in the three-dimensional stenosed and recanalized human carotid bifurcations, Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 2014, in press.
4.敦志娅, 康秀英, 格子玻尔兹曼模拟壁面剪切应力的精度, 北京师范大学学报, 50(2), pp5-8, 2014.
5.范照萌, 康秀英, 颈动脉几何形状对动脉粥样硬化形成的影响, 北京师范大学学报, 49(1), p18-22, 2013.
6. KANG XiuYing, SU YanPing , Lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow around two, three and four circular cylinders in close proximity, SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55 (10), pp1873–1885, 2012.
7.苏艳平, 康秀英, 格子Boltzmann方法模拟狭窄颈动脉修复前后的流场, 北京师范大学学报, 48(1), p24-27, 2012.
8. Ji Yupin, Kang Xiuying, Liu Dahe, Simulation of non-Newtonian Blood flow by lattice Boltzmann method,Chinese physics Letters, 27,9 (2010), p094701.
10. Ji Yupin, Kang Xiuying, Liu Dahe, Blood flow at arterial bifurcations simulated by lattice Boltzmann method,Chinese physics Letters, 26,7 (2009), p074702.
11. Kang Xiuying , Ji Yupin, Liu Dah , Jin Yongjuan, Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method simulating blood flow in aortic arch, Chinese Physics B, 2008, 17, 1041-1049
12.康秀英,吉玉嫔,张焕焕,刘大禾,金永娟,三维晶格玻尔兹曼方法模拟动脉弓内的流场,北京师范大学学报,2007年 第05期
13.康秀英,刘大禾,周静,金永娟,晶格Boltzmann方法模拟流体在三维圆管的流场,北京师范大学学报,2006年 第03期
14. Kang X Y, Liu D H, Zhou J, Jing Y J, Simulation of blood flow at vessel bifurcation by lattice Boltzmann method,Chinese physics Letters, 22,11 (2005), p2873-2876.
15. Kang X Y, Liu D H, Zhou J, Jing Y J, Simulating high Reynolds number flow by lattice Boltzmann method,Chinese physics Letters, 22,6 (2005), p1456-1459.
16. Zheng S Z,Kang X Y, The comparison of green function for qusi-linear elliptic equation,Acta Mathematica Scientia,Vol. 25,3(2005), p470-480 .
17.康秀英,刘大禾,周静,金永娟,用晶格Boltzmann方法模拟动脉分叉流场,北京师范大学学报,2005年 第04期