研究方向: 微纳信息光子学
(Micro and nano information photonics)
地址: 北京师范大学科技楼,
邮编: 100875
电话: 010-58807601
E-mail: shijinwei@bnu.edu.cn
2005.9∼2008.7 北京师范大学物理学系光学,理学博士
2003.9∼2005.7 北京师范大学物理学系光学,理学硕士
1999.9∼2003.7 北京师范大学物理学系,理学学士
2019.8∼至今 任北京师范大学物理学系教授
2014.9∼2019.8 任北京师范大学物理学系副教授
2016.2∼2016.8 台湾国立清华大学访问学者
2011.9∼2013.1 美国University of Texas at Austin 访问学者
2008.8∼2014.9 任北京师范大学物理学系讲师
1. 能带调控:共振模式调控,连续域束缚态,非厄米物理,微纳手性光学
2. 非线性光学:微纳结构中的谐波增强与非线性相互作用
3. 基于上述物理原理的器件:微纳激光器,手性与非线性传感器,逻辑器件,增强显示器件,单向光子器件,及微纳光学在生物医学中的应用。
一种集成式表面等离激元逻辑电路 ZL 2016 1 0647448.1;
基于F-P标准具的瞬态高分辨率光谱仪 ZL 2015 1 0366145.8;
垂直照明暗场显微镜,ZL 201310224827.6;
一种白光随机激光器,ZL 201210132223;
用于横向光耦合的吸收边界型激光器, ZL 201110154880.4;
1. Haojie Li,Qianwen Jia, Guoxia Yang, Anwen Jiang, Min Ni, Fengzhao Cao, Bokun Lyu, DaheLiu, and Jinwei Shi*. Nonlocal Metasurface with Chiral Exceptional Points inTelecom-Band, Nano Letters, 2024, 24(6): 2087-2093. (IF 10.8)
2. Bokun Lyu†, YangLi†, QianwenJia, Haojie Li, Guoxia Yang, Fengzhao Cao, Supeng Kou, Dahe Liu,Tun Cao, GuixinLi*, and Jinwei Shi*. Manipulating the chirality of Moiré metasurface bysymmetry breaking. Laser& PhotonicsReviews, 2201004 (2023). (IF11)
3. Li, Haojie; Jia,Qianwen; Lyu,Bokun; Cao, Fengzhao; Yang, Guoxia; Liu, Dahe; Shi, Jinwei*. Parity-time symmetrybreaking optical nanocircuit. Optics Express 31(9) 14986-14996 (2023).
4. Bokun Lyu(吕博昆), Haojie Li(李昊杰), Qianwen Jia(贾倩文), Guoxia Yang(杨国霞), Fengzhao Cao(曹凤朝), Dahe Liu(刘大禾), and Jinwei Shi(石锦卫)*. Moiré Metasurface with Triple-BandNear-Perfect Chirality. Chin. Phys. Lett. 40 054202 (2023).
5. Fengzhao Cao, MimiZhou,Chang-Wei Cheng, Haojie Li, Qianwen Jia, Anwen Jiang, Bokun Lyu, DaheLiu,Dezhuan Han, Shangjr Gwo, Jinwei Shi*. Interaction of plasmonic bound states inthe continuum. Photonics Research,11(5), 724-731 (2023). (IF7.6)
6. J Wang, B Lv, DLiu, W Gong, JShi*. Efficient four-wave mixing based on multiple plasmonic resonance. OpticsLetters46 (18), 4522-4525, 2021.
7. Y Ding, C Wei, HSu, S Sun, ZTang, Z Wang, G Li, D Liu, S Gwo, Junfeng Dai*, JinweiShi*. Second Harmonic GenerationCovering the Entire Visible Range from a2D Material–Plasmon Hybrid Metasurface.Advanced Optical Materials 9 (16),2100625, 2021. (9.0)
8. 曹凤朝;吕博昆;丁宇峰;石锦卫*, 一维等离激元晶格中的能带结构调控, 人工晶体学报 2021-07-08
9. Chun-Yuan Wang,Yungang Sang,Xinyue Yang, Soniya S Raja, Chang-Wei Cheng, Haozhi Li, YufengDing, ShuoyanSun, Hyeyoung Ahn, Chih-Kang Shih*, Shangjr Gwo*, JinweiShi*, Engineering GiantRabi Splitting via Strong Coupling between Localized and Propagating PlasmonModes on Metal Surface Lattices: Observation of √N Scaling rule, Nanoletters,2021, 21, 1, 605-611 (IF10.8)
10. Shuoyan Sun, YufengDing, HaozhiLi, Peng Hu, Chang-Wei Cheng, Yungang Sang, Fengzhao Cao, Yue Hu,Andrea Alù,Dahe Liu, Zhaona Wang, Shangjr Gwo*, Dezhuan Han*, JinweiShi*, Tunableplasmonic bound states in the continuum in the visible range, Physical Review B, 2021, 103, 4, 045416
11. Yungang Sang,Chun-Yuan Wang,Soniya S Raja, Chang-Wei Cheng, Chiao-Tzu Huang, Chun-An Chen,Xin-Quan Zhang,Hyeyoung Ahn, Chih-Kang Shih, Yi-Hsien Lee, Jinwei Shi, ShangjrGwo*, Tuning ofTwo-Dimensional Plasmon–Exciton Coupling in Full Parameter Space: A PolaritonicNon-Hermitian System, Nano Letters,2021, 21, 6, 2596-2602 (IF10.8)
12. Hu Yue, CaoFeng-Zhao, DongRen-Jing, Hao Chen-Yue, Liu He, Shi Jin-Wei*, Analysis ofstability catastropheof confocal cavity, ACTAPHYSICA SINICA (物理学报), 2020,69,22, 224202
13. Sun, L.; Wang,C.-Y.; Krasnok,A.; Choi, J.; Shi, J.; Gomez-Diaz, J. S.; Zepeda, A.; Gwo, S.;Shih, C.-K.;Alù*, A.; Li, X.*, Separation of valley excitons in a MoS2monolayer using asubwavelength asymmetric groove array. NaturePhotonics 2019, 13 (3), 180-184.
14. Shi, J.; Liang,W.-Y.; Raja, S.S.; Sang, Y.; Zhang, X.-Q.; Chen, C.-A.; Wang, Y.; Yang, X.;Lee, Y.-H.*; Ahn,H*.; Gwo, S*. Plasmonic Enhancement and Manipulation of Optical Nonlinearity inMonolayer Tungsten Disulfide. Laser& Photonics Reviews 2018, 12 (10). (IF 11)
15. Wang, H.; Ding, Y.;Chen, W.;Liu, Y.; Tang, D.; Cui, G.; Li, W.*; Shi, J.*; Bo, Z.*, Broadband AbsorptionEnhancement in Polymer Solar Cells Using Highly Efficient Plasmonic HeterostructuredNanocrystals. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2018, 10 (37).
16. Sang, Y., Wu, X.,Raja, S. S.,Wang, C. Y., Li, H., Ding, Y., Liu, D.; Zhou, J.; Ahn, H.; Gwo,Shangjr.*; Shi,J.* Broadband Multifunctional Plasmonic Logic Gates. Advanced Optical Materials 2018,1701368. (IF 9.0)
17. Ding, Y.; You, Y.;Sang, Y.;Wang, Y.; Zhao, M.;Liang, C.; Lu, C.; Liu, D.; Zhou, J.; Tang, Z.*;Shi, J.*,Broadband Surface Enhanced Photoluminescence Based on Gold Nanocubic Self-assembly.Advanced Optical Materials 2017,1700551. (IF 9.0)
18. Wang, Y.; Zheng,R.; Ding, Y.;Fan, W.; Liu, D.; Zhou,J.; Shi, J.*, Resolving the bond angle ofa plasmonicmetamolecule. Optica 2017,4 (9),1092-1097. (IF 10.4)
19. Shi, J.; Lin, M.H.; Chen, I.T.; Mohammadi Estakhri, N.;Zhang, X. Q.; Wang, Y.; Chen, H. Y.;Chen, C. A.;Shih, C. K.; Alu, A.; Li, X.*;Lee, Y. H.*; Gwo, S.*, Cascaded exciton energytransfer in a monolayer semiconductor lateral heterostructure assisted bysurface plasmon polariton. Nat Commun2017,8 (1), 35. (IF 16.6)
20. Sun, L.; Ma, T.;Yang, S.-C.; Kim,D.-K.; Lee, G.; Shi, J.; Martinez, I.; Yi, G.-R.; Shvets,G.*; Li, X.*,Interplay Between Optical Bianisotropy and Magnetism in Plasmonic Metamolecules.Nano letters 2016,16 (7), 4322-4328.
21. Hartsfield, T.;Chang, W.-S.;Yang, S.-C.; Ma, T.; Shi, J.; Sun, L.; Shvets, G.*; Link, S.*;Li, X.*, Singlequantum dot controls a plasmonic cavity’s scattering and anisotropy.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2015,112 (40),12288-12292.
22. Fan, W.; Wang, Y.;Zheng, R.;Liu, D.; Shi, J.*, Broadband high efficiency asymmetric transmission of achiralmetamaterials. Optics express 2015,23 (15), 19535-19541.
23. Cui, L.; Shi, J.*;Wang, Y.;Zheng, R.; Chen, X.; Gong,W.; Liu, D.*, Retrieval of contaminated informationusing random lasers. Applied Physics Letters 2015,106 (20), 201101.
24. Shi, J.; Monticone,F.; Elias,S.; Wu, Y.; Ratchford, D.;Li, X.*; Alu, A.*, Modular assembly of opticalnanocircuits. Nature communications2014,5, 3896. (IF 16.6)
25. Chen, S.; Shi, J.*;Kong, X.;Wang, Z.; Liu, D.*, Cavity coupling in a random laser formed by ZnO nanoparticleswith gain materials. Laser Physics Letters 2013,10 (5), 055006.
26. Zhao, Y.; Shi, J.;Sun, L.; Li,X.; Alù, A., Alignment‐Free Three‐Dimensional Optical Metamaterials. AdvancedMaterials 2014,26(9), 1439-1445.
27. Shi, X.; Wang, Y.;Wang, Z.;Wei, S.; Sun, Y.; Liu, D.;Zhou, J.; Zhang, Y.; Shi, J., Random lasing with ahigh quality factor over the whole visible range based on cascade energy transfer.Advanced Optical Materials 2014,2 (1), 88-93.
28. Wang, Y.; Shi, X.;Sun, Y.;Zheng, R.; Wei, S.; Shi, J.;Wang, Z.; Liu, D., Cascade-pumped random laserswith coherent emission formed by Ag–Au porous nanowires. Optics letters2014,39(1),5-8.
29. Zhang, L.; Zhang,D.; Shi, J.;Shi, J.; Gong, W.; Liu,D., Investigations on coherence of stimulated Brillouinscattering excited by a single-mode-pulsed laser. Applied Physics B 2012,109(1),137-141.
30. Shi, J.; Tang, Y.;Wei, H.;Zhang, L.; Zhang, D.; Shi,J.; Gong, W.; He, X.; Yang, K.; Liu, D.,Temperaturedependence of thresholdand gain coefficient of stimulated Brillouinscatteringin water. Applied Physics B 2012,108 (4), 717-720.
31. Chen, S.; Zhao, X.;Wang, Y.;Shi, J.; Liu, D., Whitelight emission with red-green-blue lasingaction in adisordered system ofnanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters 2012,101(12),123508.
32. Shi, J.; Chen, X.;Ouyang, M.;Gong, W.; Su, Y.; Liu, D.,Theoretical investigation on the pumpingeffect ofstimulated Brillouinscattering on stimulated Raman scattering inwater. AppliedPhysics B: Lasers and Optics 2012,106 (2), 445-451.
33. Zhang, L.; Zhang,D.; Yang, Z.;Shi, J.; Liu, D.; Gong,W.; Fry, E. S., Experimental investigationon line widthcompression ofstimulated Brillouin scattering in water. AppliedPhysics Letters2011,98 (22), 221106.
34. Shi, J.; Wang, Z.;Liu, D.;Gong, W.; Su, Y.,Electromagnetic detection of a perfect cloak based onthematerial nonlinear response. Applied Physics B 2011,105 (2), 225.
35. Zhai, T.; Shi, J.;Chen, S.;Liu, D., Electromagneticshielding and energy concentration usingzero-indexmetamaterials. Applied physics express 2011,4 (7), 074301.
36. Zhai, T.; Shi, J.;Chen, S.;Liu, D.; Zhang, X.,Achieving laser ignition using zero indexmetamaterials.Optics letters 2011,36 (14), 2689-2691.
37. Zhai, T.; Chen, S.;Zhou, Y.;Shi, J.; Zhang, X.; Liu,D., Beam controller using nonlinear embeddedopticaltransformation. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2011,104 (4),935-939.
38. Shu-Jing, C.; Jin-Wei,S.;Tian-Rui, Z.; Zhao-Na, W.;Da-He, L.; Xiao, C., Wavelength variation of arandomlaser with concentrationof a gain material. Chinese Physics Letters2011,28(10),104204.
39. Zhai, T.; Zhou, Y.;Chen, S.;Wang, Z.; Shi, J.; Liu,D.; Zhang, X., Pulse-duration-dependentandtemperature-tunable random lasingin a weakly scattering structure formedbyspeckles. Physical Review A 2010,82 (2), 023824.
40. Zhai, T.; Zhou, Y.;Shi, J.;Wang, Z.; Liu, D.; Zhou,J., Electromagnetic localization based ontransformationoptics. Optics express 2010,18 (11), 11891-11897.
41. Yu-Huan, S.;Jin-Wei, S.; Da-He,L.; Guo-Jian, Y.,Detection of Perfect Cloak in Time Domain.Chinese PhysicsLetters 2010,27 (9), 094102.
42. Yu-Huan, S.;Jin-Wei, S.; Min,O.; Guo-Jian, Y.;Da-He, L., Theoretical Analysis of theCritical Phenomena of aBrillouin Laser. Chinese Physics Letters 2010,27 (7),074203.
43. 陈旭东; 石锦卫; 刘娟; 刘宝; 许艳霞; 史久林; 刘大禾, 同轴正交偏振双脉冲序列受激布里渊散射抽运放大的实现方法. 物理学报 2010, (2),1047-1051.
44. Shi, J.; Ouyang,M.; Chen, X.;Liu, B.; Xu, Y.; Jing,H.; Liu, D., Stimulated Raman scatteringenhanced bystimulated Brillouinscattering. Optics letters 2009,34 (7),977-979.
45. Shi, J.-w.; Chen,X.-d.; Ouyang,M.; Liu, J.; Liu, D.,Theoretical investigation on the thresholdvalue ofstimulated Brillouin scattering in terms of laser intensity. AppliedPhysics B2009,95(4), 657-660.
46. Shi, J.; Chen, X.;Ouyang, M.;Liu, J.; Liu, D.,Amplification of stimulated Brillouin scatteringof twocollinear pulsed laser beams with orthogonal polarizations. Appliedoptics2009,48(17), 3232-3236.
倪敏 (2022级硕士)