E-mail: helin@bnu.edu.cn
2014年10-2015年3月访问英国Manchester大学 Geim教授(2010年诺贝尔物理奖获得者)研究组
2011年6-8月访问美国Penn StateUniversity的MosesChan教授研究组
2004年9月—2009年7月北京大学物理学院 理学博士
2000年9月—2004年7月西南大学(原西南师范大学)物理系 理学学士
2015年7月至今 北京师范大学物理系 教授
2012年7月2015年6月 北京师范大学物理系 副教授
2009年7月2012年6月 北京师范大学物理系 讲师
3)石墨烯中原子尺度下自旋和子格赝自旋研究:首次直接观察到石墨烯中单 原子缺陷磁矩的证据,并在原子尺度内实现了对其磁性的调控,观察到了三种不同的磁性量子态。通过单原子缺陷在石墨烯中产生原子尺度子格赝自旋涡旋,并证明赝自旋涡旋的角动量可反映体系的Berry相位。
基金: 作为项目负责人主持
1. Y.-W. Liu, Y. Zhuang, Y.-N. Ren, C. Yan, X.-F. Zhou, Q. Yang, Q.-F. Sun*, L. He*, “Visualizing a single wavefrontdislocation induced by orbital angular momentum in graphene”. Nature Commun. Vol: 15, PP. 3546 (2024).
2. C.-R. Hao, Z. Zhan*, J.-Q. He, Pierre A. Pantaleon, Jia-Qi He, Ya-Xin Zhao, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Francisco Guinea, L. He*, “Robust flat bands in twistedtrilayer graphene quasicrystals”. arXiv:2401.09010.
3. X.-F. Zhou, Y. Zhuang, M.-H. Zhang, H. Shen, Q.-F. Sun*, L. He*, “Relativistic artificial molecules with tunable couplingand orbitals”. arXiv:2312.15570.
4. Y.-X. Zhao, Z.-Y. Han, Y.-N. Ren, R.-H. Zhang, X.-F. Zhou, Y. Zhang*, L. He*, “Realization of 2/3-layer transitionmetal dichalcogenides.” submitted
5. Y.-X.Zhao, M.-H. Zhang, Z.-Y. Han, Y.-N. Ren, X.-F. Zhou, C. Yan, K. Lv, Y. Zhang*, L. He*, “Realization of rhombohedral-stacked trilayer graphene by moiré engineering”. PRB in press.
6. J.-Q. He, C.-R. Hao, K. Lv, Q. Zheng, C. Yan, H.-J. Qiao, H.-Y. Ren, Y.-N. Ren, L. He*, “Quantum spin Hall state inmonolayer graphene with strong spin orbit coupling”. submitted
7. Y.-N. Ren, H.-Y. Ren, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L.He*, “One-dimensional moiré chainswith partially-filled flat bands in two-dimensional twisted bilayer WSe2”.arXiv:2311.15555.
8. H.-Y.Ren, Y. Mao, Y.-N. Ren*, Q.-F. Sun, L.He*, “Tunable atomically wide electrostatic barriers embedded in agraphene/WSe2 heterostructure”. arXiv:2310.19238.
9. M.-H.Zhang, F. Gao, A. B. Lorentzen, Y.-N. Ren, R.-H. Zhang, X.-F. Zhou, R. Dong,S.-W. Gao, M. Brandbyge, L. He*,“Tunable interfacial chemisorption with atomic-level precision in agraphene/WSe2 heterostructure”. arXiv:2311.06515.
10. Y.-N.Ren, M.-H. Zhang, Q. Zheng, L. He*,“Creating and tailoring interfacial nanostructures in graphene/transition metaldichalcogenide heterostructures using interfacial van der Waals force”. arXiv:2212.01774.
11. Q. Zheng, Y. Zhuang, Y.-N. Ren, C. Yan, Q.-F. Sun*, L. He*, “Molecular collapse states in graphene/WSe2 heterostructure quantum dots”. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 130,076202 (2023).
12. H.-Y.Ren, Y.-N. Ren, Q. Zheng, J.-Q. He, L.He*, “Electron-electron interaction and correlation-induced two densitywaves with different Fermi velocities in graphene quantum dots”.Phys. Rev. B Vol: 108, L081408(Letter)(2023).
13. C.-R.Hao, J.-Q. He, H.-J. Qiao, Y.-W. Liu, Y.-N.Ren*, L. He*, “Creating Custom-designed Moiré MagnifyingGlass to Probe Local Atomic Lattice Rotations in Twisted Bilayer Graphene”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 108, 125429 (2023).
14. C. Yan,Y.-X. Zhao, Y.-W. Liu, L. He*, “Kinetics of nanobubbles in tiny-angle twisted bilayergraphene”. Nano Lett. Vol:23, 8532 (2023).
15. M.-H.Zhang, Y.-N. Ren, Q. Zheng, X.-F. Zhou, L.He*, “Observation of robust and long-rangedsuperperiodicity of electronic density induced by intervalley scattering ingraphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures”. NanoLett. Vol: 23, 2630 (2023).
16. Y.-N.Ren*, Z. Zhan, Y.-W. Liu, C. Yan, S.-J.Yuan, L. He*, “Real-space mapping oflocal sub-degree lattice rotationsin twisted bilayer graphene magnified by moiré superlattices”. Nano Lett. Vol: 23, 1836 (2023).
17. X.-F.Zhou,Y.-W. Liu, C.-R. Hao, C. Yan, Q. Zheng, Y.-N. Ren, Y.-X. Zhao, K.Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. He*,“Coexistence of reconstructed and unreconstructed structures in structuraltransition regime of twisted bilayer graphene”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 107, 125410 (2023).
18. Q.Zheng, M.-H. Zhang, Y.-N. Ren, L. He*,“Imaging field-tuned quantum Hall broken-symmetry orders and quantum Hallconducting channel in charge-neutral graphene/WSe2 heterostructure”. Science China Physics, Mechanics andAstronomy Vol: 66, 276801 (2023).
19. L.-J. Yin*, Y.-Y. Zhou, L.-H. Tong, L.-J. Shi, Z. Qin,and L. He, “Imaging Friedeloscillations in rhombohedral trilayer graphene”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 107, L041404(Letter)(2023).
20. Y.Zhang*, R. Liu, L. Zhou, C. Zhang, G. Yang, Y. Wang, L. He*, “Atomic valley filter effect induced by an individualflower defect in graphene”. Chin. Phys.Lett. Vol: 40, 096801 (2023).
21. Y.-W. Liu*, and L.He*, “Recent progresses on graphene-based artificial nanostructures: aperspective from scanning tunneling microscopy” Quantum Frontiers Vol: 2, 2 (2023). (invited review)
22. Y.-N.Ren, Q. Cheng, Q.-F. Sun*, L. He*, “RealizingValley-Polarized Energy Spectra in Bilayer Graphene QuantumDots via Continuously Tunable Berry Phases”. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 128, 206805 (2022).
23. Y.-W. Liu, Z. Zhan, Z. Wu, C. Yan, S. Yuan*, L. He*, “Realizing one-dimensionalstates in graphene via periodically coupled zeroth pseudo-Landau levels”. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 129, 056803 (2022).
24. Y.-N.Ren, Y. Zhuang, Q.-F. Sun*, L. He*,“Magnetic field-tunable valley-contrasting pseudomagnetic confinement ingraphene”. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 129, 076802(2022).
25. Q.Zheng, C.-R. Hao, X.-F. Zhou, Y.-X. Zhao, J.-Q. He, L. He*, “Tunablesample-wide electronic Kagome lattice in low-angle twisted bilayer graphene”. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 129, 076803 (2022).
26. Y.Zhang*, F. Gao, S. Gao, M. Brandbyge, L.He*, “Characterization and manipulation of intervalley scattering inducedby an individual monovacancy in graphene”. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 129,096402 (2022).
27. Q.Zheng, Y. Zhuang, Q.-F. Sun*, L. He*, “Coexistenceof electron whispering-gallery modes and atomic collapse states ingraphene/WSe2 heterostructure quantum dots”. Nature Commun.Vol:13, PP. 1597 (2022).
28. Y.-W. Liu, C.-Y. Hao and L. He*, “Tailoring the Energy Landscape of Graphene Nanostructureson Graphene and Manipulating Them Using Tilt Grain Boundaries”. Phys.Rev. Appl. Vol: 17, PP. 034013(2022).
29. Q.Yang, Y. Zhang*, Z.-Q. Fu, Y. Chen, Z.-F. Di, and L. He*, “Site-controlled creating ofpatterned nanoscale graphene quantum dots”. 2D Materials Vol: 9, 021002 (2022).
30. S.-Y.Li*, L.He*, “Recent progresses ofquantum confinement in graphene quantum dots”. Front. Phys. Vol: 17, 33201 (2022). Topical review.
31. Y.-X.Zhao, X.-F. Zhou, Y.Zhang, L. He*, “Oscillations of van Hove singularities spacinginduced by sub-Angstrom fluctuations of interlayer spacing in graphenesuperlattices”.Phys.Rev. Lett.Vol:127, 266801 (2021).
32. X.-F.Zhou, Y.-W. Liu, H.-Y. Yan, Z.-Q. Fu, H. Liu, L. He*, Electronic confinement in quantum dots of twisted bilayergraphene. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 104,235417 (2021).
33. Y.-N.Ren, Q. Cheng, C. Yan, K. Lv, M.-H. Zhang,Q.-F. Sun*, L. He*, “Spatial andmagnetic confinement of massless Dirac fermions”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 104, L161408(Letter) (2021).
34. Y.-W. Liu, Y.-N. Ren, C.-Y. Hao and L. He*,“Direct observation of magnetoelectric Aharonov-Bohm effect in moiré-scalequantum paths of minimally twisted bilayer graphene” arXiv:2102.00164.
35. Y.-N.Ren, M.-H. Zhang, C. Yan, Y. Zhang and L.He*, “Local Measurements of Tunneling Magneto-Conductance Oscillations in monolayer, Bernal-stacked bilayer and ABC-stacked trilayer graphene” Science ChinaPhysics, Mechanics and Astronomy Vol: 64, PP. 287011 (2021).
36. Y. Zhang*, Y. Su, and L. He*, “Quantum interferences of pseudospin-mediated atomic-scalevortices in monolayer graphene”. Nano Lett. Vol: 21, PP. 2526 (2021).
37. J.Feng, H. Gao, T. Li, X. Tan, P. Xu, M. Li*, L. He*, D. Ma*, Lattice-Matched metal-semiconductor heterointerfacein monolayer Cu2Te. ACS Nano Vol: 15, PP. 3415 (2021).
38. X. Liu,Y. Wang, Q. Guo, S.-J. Liang, T. Xu, B. Liu, J. Qiao, S. Lai, J. Zeng, S. Hao,C. Gu, C. Wang, Y. Wang, C. Pan, G. Su, Y. Nie, X. Wan, L. Sun, Z. Wang, L. He*, B. Cheng*, F. Miao*,“Temperature-sensitive spatial distribution of defects in PdSe2flakes” Phys. Rev. Mater. Vol: 5,PP. L041001(Letter) (2021). Selected as Editors’Suggestion.
39. F. Gao,Y. Zhang, L. He, S. Gao, M.Brandbyge, “Control of the local magnetic states in graphene with voltage andgating” Phys. Rev. B Vol: 103, PP.L241402(Letter) (2021).
40. S. Han,J.-B. Qiao, L.-F. Hou, Y.-W. Liu, Y. Zhang,Z.-H. Guo, L.-J. Yin, Y.-N. Ren, W. Ji*, and L. He*, “Robust two-dimensional ice on graphene builtfrom finite-length water molecular chains” arXiv:2007.00885.
41. J.-B.Qiao, Q.-Q. Guo, Z. Liu, X. Liu, Q. Gu, C. Yan, F. Miao, J. Feng, L. He*, “Even-odd Layer-dependentAtomic Defects in PdSe2”. Submitted.
42. S.-Y.Li, Y.Su, Y.-N.Ren, and L. He*,“Valley polarization and inversion in strained graphene via pseudo-Landaulevels, valley splitting of real Landau levels, and confined states”Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 124, PP. 106802 (2020).
43. Y.-W.Liu, Y. Su, X.-F. Zhou, L.-J. Yin, C. Yan, S.-Y. Li, W. Yan, S. Han, Z.-Q. Fu.Y. Zhang, Q. Yang, Y.-N. Ren, and L. He*,“Tunable lattice reconstruction, triangularnetwork of chiral one-dimensional states and bandwidth of flat bands inmagic-angle twisted bilayer graphene”. Phys. Rev. Lett.Vol: 125, PP. 236102 (2020).
44. Y.-W.Liu, Z. Hou, S.-Y. Li, Q.-F. Sun*, and L.He*, “Movable valley switch driven by Berry phase in bilayer-grapheneresonators” Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 124, PP. 166801 (2020).
45. Y.Zhang, Y. Su, and L. He*, “LocalBerry phase signatures of bilayer graphene in intervalley quantum interference”Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol: 125, PP. 116804 (2020).
46. Y.-N.Ren, C. Lu, Y. Zhang, S.Y. Li, Y.-W. Liu, C. Yan, Z.-H. Guo, C.-C.Liu*, F. Yang*, and L.He*, “Spectroscopic evidence for a spin and valley polarizedmetallic state in a non-magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene”ACS Nano Vol: 14, PP. 13081 (2020).
47. Y. Zhang,F. Gao, S. Gao*, and L. He*,“Tunable magnetism of a single-carbonvacancy in graphene”. Science Bulletin Vol:65, PP. 194 (2020).
48. Z.-Q.Fu, Y.-T. Pan, J.-J. Zhou, K.-K. Bai, D.-L. Ma, Y. Zhang, J.-B. Qiao, H.Jiang*, H. Liu*, and L. He*, “Relativisticartificial molecules realized by two coupled graphene quantum dots”.NanoLett. Vol: 20, PP. 6738 (2020).
49. Y.Zhang, Z. Hou, Y.-X. Zhao, Z.-H. Guo, Y.-W. Liu, S.-Y. Li, Y.-N. Ren, Q.-F.Sun*, and L. He*, “Correlation-inducedvalley splitting and orbital magnetism in strain-induced zero-energy flat bandin twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle” Phys.Rev. B Vol: 102, PP. 081403(Rapid Communications) (2020).
50. S.Y.Li, Y. Zhang, Y.-N. Ren, J. Liu*, X. Dai, and L. He*, “Experimental evidence for orbital magnetic momentsgenerated by moiré-scale current loops in twisted bilayer graphene”Phys. Rev. B Vol: 102, PP. 121406 (RapidCommunications) (2020). Selected as Editors’Suggestion.
51. Y.Zhang, Q.-Q. Guo, S.Y. Li, and L. He*,“Nanoscale probing of broken-symmetry states in graphene induced by individualatomic impurities” Phys.Rev. B Vol: 101, PP. 155424(2020).
52. L.-J. Yin, L.-J. Shi, L.-Z. Yang, L.-H. Tong, and L. He*, “Spectroscopic Characterizationof Landau Level Splitting and the Intermediate v = 0 Phase in BilayerGraphene” Phys.Rev. B Vol: 101, PP. 165418 (2020).
53. Z.-Q.Fu, K. K. Bai, Y.-N. Ren, J.-J. Zhou, and L.He*, “Coulomb interaction in quasibound states of graphene quantum dots” Phys.Rev. B Vol: 101, PP. 235310(2020).
54. Y.-N.Ren, Y. Zhang, Y.-W. Liu, and L. He*, “Twistronics in graphene-basedvan der Waals structures” ChinesePhysics B Vol: 29, PP.117303 (2020). Invited review. https://doi.org/10.1088/1674-1056/abbbe2
55. L.-J. Yin, L.-J. Shi, S.-Y. Li, Y. Zhang, Z.-H. Guo, and L. He*, “High-magnetic field tunneling spectra ofABC-stacked trilayer graphene on graphite”. Phys. Rev. Lett.Vol: 122, PP. 146802 (2019).
56. P.-F. Jia, W.-J. Chen, J.-B. Qiao, M. Zhang, X. Zheng, Z.-Y. Xue,R.-D. Liang, C.-S. Tian, L. He*,Z.-F. Di*, X. Wang, “Programmablegraphene nanobubbles with three-fold symmetric pseudo-magnetic fields”. Nature Commun. Vol: 10, PP. 3127, (2019).
57. Y. Zhang, Q. Yang, Y.-N. Ren, and L. He*, “Observation of phonon peaks and electron-phononbound states in graphene”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 100, PP. 075435 (2019).
58. S.-Y.Li, Y. Zhang, L.-J. Yin, and L. He*, “Scanningtunneling microscopy study of quantum Hall isospin ferromagnetic states of zeroLandau level in graphene”. Phys. Rev. BVol: 100, PP. 085437 (2019).
59. Y.-W.Liu, J.-B. Qiao, C. Yan, Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Li,and L. He*, “Magnetism nearhalf-filling of a van Hove singularity in twisted graphene bilayer”. Phys.Rev. B Vol: 99, PP. 201408(Rapid Communications) (2019).
60. S.-Y.Li, Y.-N. Ren, Y.-W. Liu, M.-X.Chen, H. Jiang, and L. He*, “Nanoscaledetection of valley-dependent spin splitting around atomic defects ofgraphene”.2DMaterials Vol: 6, PP.031005 (2019).
61. C. Yan, D. Ma, J. Qiao, H. Zhong, L. Yang, S.-Y.Li, Z.-Q. Fu, Y. Zhang, and L. He*,“Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the quasicrystalline 30otwisted bilayer graphene”. 2D Materials Vol: 6, PP. 045041 (2019).
62. J.-B.Qiao, L.-J. Yin, and L. He*, “Twisted graphene bilayer around the first magic angleengineered by heterostrain”. Phys. Rev.B Vol: 98, PP. 235402 (2018).
63. Z.-Q.Fu, Y. Zhang, J.-B. Qiao, D.-L. Ma, H.-W. Liu, Z.-H. Guo, Y.-C. Wei, J.-Y. Hu,Q. Xiao, X.-R. Mao, and L. He*,“Spatial confinement, magnetic localization and their interactions on masslessDirac fermions”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 98, PP. 241401(Rapid Communications) (2018).
64. Y.Zhang, J.-B. Qiao, and L. He*,“High-resolution tunneling spectroscopy of ABA-stacked trilayer graphene”. Phys.Rev. B Vol: 98, PP. 045413(2018).
65. J.-B.Qiao, Y. Gong, H. Liu, J.-A. Shi, L. Gu, and L. He*, “Two-dimensional spinodal interface in one-stepgrown graphene-molybdenum carbide heterostructures”. Phys.Rev. Mater. Vol: 2, PP. 054002(2018).
66. D.-L.Ma, Z.-Q. Fu, X. Sui, K.-K. Bai, J.-B.Qiao, C. Yan, Y. Zhang, J.-Y. Hu, Q. Xiao,X.-R. Mao, W. Duan, and L. He*, “Modulating theelectronic properties of graphene by self-organized sulfur identicalnanoclusters and atomic superlattices confined at an interface”. ACS Nano Vol: 12, PP. 10984 (2018).
67. S.-Y.Li, H. W. Liu, J.-B. Qiao, H. Jiang*, and L.He*, “Magnetic-field-controlled negative differential conductance inscanning tunneling spectroscopy of graphene npn junction resonators”. Phys.Rev. B Vol: 97, PP. 115442(2018).
68. S.-Y.Li, K.-K. Bai, W. J. Zuo, Y.-W. Liu, Z.-Q. Fu, W.-X. Wang, Y. Zhang, L.-J. Yin, J.-B. Qiao, and L. He*, “The tunneling spectra of quasi-free-standing graphene monolayer”. Phys. Rev. Appl. Vol: 9, PP. 054031 (2018).
69. D.-L.Ma, X.-L. Sui, Z.-Q. Fu, J.-B. Qiao, Y.-C. Wei, W.-H. Duan, and L. He*, “Beyond the honeycomb:experimental realization and characterization of kagome sublattice in a newboron-carbon-nitrogen atomic crystal”. submitted
70. Y. Zhang, X.-L. Sui, D.-L. Ma, K.-K. Bai, W. H. Duan, and L. He*, “Spin-polarized semiconducting band structure of graphenemonolayer on Ni(111)”. Phys. Rev. Appl. Vol:10, PP. 054043 (2018).
71. W.-X. Wang, Y.-W. Wei, S.-Y. Li, X. Q. Li,X. S. Wu, J. Feng*, and L. He*, “Imaging the dynamics of individual hydrogen atomintercalated between two graphene sheets”. Phys.Rev. B Vol: 97, PP. 085407 (2018).
72. W. J.Zuo, J.-B. Qiao, D.-L. Ma, L.-J. Yin, G.Sun, J.-Y. Zhang, L.-Y. Guan, and L. He*,“Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of twistedtrilayer graphene”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 97, PP. 035440 (2018).
73. K.-K.Bai, J.-J. Zhou, Y.-C. Wei, J. B. Qiao, Y.-W. Liu, H. Jiang*, and L. He*, “Generating atomically sharp p-n junctions and testing quantumelectron-optics based on graphene in nanoscale”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 97, PP. 045413 (2018).
74. 何林,魔转角双层石墨烯的“魔幻”物性. 科学通报Vol: 63, PP. 1073 (2018)doi: 10.1360/N972018-00224
75. J. Ma, X. Li, L. Gan, S. P. Zhang, Y. F., Cao, Z. W. Nie,X. N. Wang, D. L. Ma, L. He, J. C. Nie, C. M. Xiong, R. F. Dou, “Controllingthe dendritic structure and the phote-electrocatalytic properties of highlycrystalline MoS2 on sapphire substrate”. 2D Materials Vol: 5, PP. 031015 (2018).
76. S.-Y.Li, K.-Q. Liu, X.-Q. Yang, J.-K. Yang, H. W. Liu, H. Jiang*, and L. He*, “Splitting of van Hove singularities in aslightly twisted bilayer graphene”.Phys. Rev. B Vol: 96, PP. 155416(2017).
77. W.-X. Wang,H. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Li, H. Liu, X. Q. Li, X. S. Wu, and L. He*, “Scanningtunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of finite-size twisted bilayer graphene”.Phys. Rev. B Vol: 96, PP. 115434 (2017).
78. S.-Y.Li, H. Jiang*, J.-J. Zhou, H. W. Liu, F. Zhang, and L. He*, “Corrugation induced stacking solitons with topologicallyconfined states in gapped bilayer graphene”. arXiv:1609.03313.
79. J.-B. Qiao, Y. Gong, W.-J., Zuo, Y.-C. Wei, D.-L. Ma, H.Yang, N. Yang, K.-Y. Qiao, J.-A. Shi, L. Gu, and L. He*, “One-step growth of van der Waalsheterostructures of graphene and 2D superconducting Mo2C”.Phys. Rev. B Vol: 95, PP. 201403 (Rapid Communications), (2017).
80. K.-K.Bai, J. B. Qiao, H. Jiang*, H.-W. Liu*, and L. He*, “MasslessDirac fermions trapping in a quasi-one-dimensional npn junction of a continuousgraphene monolayer”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 95, PP. 201406 (Rapid Communications), (2017).
81. J. B.Qiao, H. Jiang, H.-W. Liu, H. Yang, N. Yang, K.-Y. Qiao, and L. He*,“Boundstates in nanoscale graphene quantum dots in a continuous graphene sheet”.Phys. Rev. B Vol: 95, PP. 081409 (Rapid Communications), (2017).
82. L.-J. Yin, W.-X. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y.-Y. Ou, H.-T. Zhang,C.-Y. Shen, and L. He*, “Observationof chirality transition of quasiparticles at stacking solitonsintrilayer graphene”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 95, PP. 081402 (RapidCommunications), (2017).
83. L.-J. Yin, K.-K. Bai, W.-X. Wang, S.-Y. Li, Y. Zhang, andL. He*, “Landau quantizationof Dirac fermions in graphene and its multilayers”. Front. Phys. Vol: 12, PP.127408, (2017). (Invited review, 35 pages).
84. M. Zhu, D. Ghazaryan, S.-K. Son, C. Woods, A. Misra, L. He, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, K. Novoselov,Y. Cao, A. Mishchenko, “Stacking transition in bilayer graphene caused bythermally activated rotation” 2D Mater. Vol:4, PP. 011013, (2017).
85. Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Li, H. Huang, W. T. Li, J. B. Qiao, W.-X. Wang, L.-J. Yin, W. H.Duan, and L. He*, “Scanning tunneling microscopyof π magnetism of a singleatomic vacancy in graphene”. Phys.Rev. Lett. Vol: 117, PP. 166801 (2016).
86. L.-J. Yin, H. Jiang, J. B. Qiao, and L. He*, “Direct imaging oftopological edge states at a bilayer graphene domain wall”. Nature Commun.Vol: 7, PP. 11760, (2016).
87. W.-X. Wang, M. Zhou, X. Q. Li, S.-Y. Li, X. S. Wu, W. H. Duan, and L. He*, “Energy gaps of atomically precise armchair graphenenanoribbons”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 93,PP. 241403 (Rapid Communications),(2016).
88. S.-Y.Li, M. Zhou, J. B. Qiao, W. H. Duan*, and L. He*, “Wide-bandgap nanoribbon-likestructures in a continuous metallic graphene sheet”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 94, PP. 085419, (2016).
89. L.-J. Yin, Y.Zhang, J. B. Qiao, S.-Y. Li, andL. He*, “Experimental observation ofsurface states and Landau levels bending in bilayer graphene”.Phys. Rev. B Vol: 93, PP. 125422, (2016).
90. W. Yan, S.-Y. Li, L.J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Spatially resolving unconventionalinterface Landau quantization in a graphene monolayer-bilayer planarjunction” Phys. Rev. B Vol: 93, PP. 195408,(2016).
91. L.-J. Yin, J. B.Qiao, and L. He*, “Structures andelectronic properties of twisted bilayer graphene”. Progress in Physics Vol: 36, PP. 82, (2016). (Invited review, inchinese).
92. S. C. Shen, B.B.Chen, H. X. Xue, G. Cao, C. J. Li, X. X. Wang, Y. P. Hong, G. P. Guo, R. F.Dou, C. M. Xiong, L. He, J. C. Nie*,“Gate dependence of upper critical field in superconducting (110) LaAlO3/SrTiO3interface” Sci. Rep. Vol: 6, PP. 28379,(2016).
93. S. C. Shen, Y. Xing,P. Wang, H. Liu, H.-L. Fu, Y. Zhang, L.He, X. C. Xie, X. Lin*, J. Nie*, J. Wang*, “Observation of quantumGriffiths singularity and ferromagnetism at superconducting LaAlO3/SrTiO3(110)interface”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 94,PP. 144517, (2016).
94. X. Zou, C.-W. Huang,L.Wang, L.-J. Yin, W. Li, J. Wang, B. Wu, Y. Liu, Q. Yao, C. Jiang, W.-W. Wu, L. He, S. Chen, J. C. Ho, L. Liao*, Dielectric engineering of a Boron Nitride/Hafniumoxide heterostructure for high-performance 2D field effect transistors.Adv. Mater. Vol: 28, PP. 2062,(2016).
95. S.-Y. Li, K.-K. Bai, L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, W.-X. Wang, and L. He*, “Observation of unconventionalsplitting of Landau Levels in Strained Graphene”. Phys.Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 245302, (2015).
96. L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, W.-X. Wang, W. J. Zuo, W. Yan,R. Xu, R.-F.Dou, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*,“LandauQuantization and Fermi Velocity Renormalization in Twisted Graphene Bilayers”.Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 201408(RapidCommunications), (2015).
97. W.-X. Wang, L.-J.Yin, J.-B. Qiao, T. C. Cai, S.-Y. Li, R.-F. Dou, J.-C. Nie, X. S. Wu, and L. He*, “Atomic resolution imaging ofthe two-component Dirac-Landau levels in a gapped graphene monolayer”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 165420, (2015).
98. K.-K. Bai, Y.-C.Wei, J.B. Qiao, S.-Y. Li, L.-J.Yin, W. Yan, J.-C. Nie, andL. He*, “Detecting giantelectron-hole asymmetry in graphene monolayer generated by strain andcharge-defect scattering via Landau level spectroscopy”. Phys.Rev. B Vol:92, PP. 121405(RapidCommunications), (2015).
99. L.-J. Yin, J. B.Qiao, W. J. Zuo, W. T. Li, and L. He*, “Experimental evidence fornon-Abelian gauge potentials in twisted graphene bilayers”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 081406(Rapid Communications),(2015).
100.L.-J. Yin, S.-Y. Li, J.-B. Qiao, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Landau quantization in graphene monolayer, Bernal bilayer,and Bernal trilayer on graphite surface”. Phys.Rev. BVol: 91, PP. 115405, (2015).
101.R. Xu, L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, K.-K.Bai, J.-C. Nie, and L.He*, “Direct probing of the stacking order andelectronic spectrum of rhombohedral trilayer graphene with scanning tunnelingmicroscopy”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 91, PP. 035410, (2015).
102.Z.-D. Chu and L. He*,“Origin of room-temperature single-channel ballistic transport in zigzaggraphene nanoribbons”. Science ChinaMaterials (invited) Vol: 58, PP. 677, (2015).
103.Y.-L. Han, Y.-W. Fang, Z.-Z. Yang, C.-J. Li, L. He, S.-C. Shen, Z.-Z. Luo, G.-L. Qu, C.-M. Xiong, R.-F. Dou, X.Wei, L. Gu*, C.-G. Duan*, and J.-C. Nie*, “Reconstruction of electrostaticfield at the interface leads to formation of two-dimensional electron gas atmultivalent (110) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 92, PP. 115304, (2015).
104.K.-K. Bai, Y. Zhou, H. Zheng, L. Meng, H. Peng*, Z. F. Liu*, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Creatingone-dimensional nanoscale periodic ripples in a continuous mosaic graphenemonolayer”. Phys.Rev. Lett.Vol: 113, PP. 086102, (2014).
105.D. He, Y. Zhang,Q. Wu, R. Xu, H. Nan, J. Liu, J. Yao, Y. Li, Y. Shi*, J. Wang*, L. He, Z. Ni, F. Miao, F. Song, H. Xu,K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J.-B. Xu, and X. Wang*, “Two-dimensionalmonolayer quasi-freestanding molecular crystals for high-performance organicfield-effect transistors”. NatureCommun.Vol: 5, PP.5162, (2014).
106.D.Geng, L. Meng, B. Chen, W. Yan, H. Yan, B. Luo, J. Xu, H. Wang, Z. Mao, L. He, Z. Zhang, L. Peng, G. Yu*,“Single-crystaltwelve-pointed graphene grains growth on liquid Cu surface” AdvancedMaterials. Vol: 26, PP. 6519,(2014).
107.B. Luo, B. Chen, L. Meng, D. Geng, H. liu, J. Xu, Z. Zhang, H. Zhang, L.Peng, L. He, W. Hu, Y. Liu, G. Yu*, “Layeredstacking growth and electrical transport of hierarchical graphene architectures”Advanced Materials. Vol:26, PP. 3218, (2014).
108.R. Xu, D. He, Y. Zhang, B. Wu, F. Liu, L. Meng, J.-F. Liu, Q. Wu, Y. Shi,J. Wang, J.-C. Nie, X. Wang*, L. He*, “Unveiling the structural origin of the highcarrier mobility of a two-dimensional molecular monolayer on boron nitride”Phys. Rev. B Vol: 90, PP. 224106,(2014).
109.J. B. Qiao, and L. He*, “In-planechiral tunneling and out-of-plane valley-polarized quantum tunneling in twistedgraphene trilayer”.Phys. Rev. B Vol: 90, PP. 075410,(2014).
110.L.-J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, W. X. Wang, Z.-D. Chu, K. F. Zhang, R.-F. Dou*, C.-L.Gao, J.-F. Jia, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Tuningstructures and electronic spectra of graphene layers by tilt grain boundaries” Phys.Rev. B Vol: 89, PP. 205410, (2014).
111.W. Yan, L. Meng, M.Liu, J. B. Qiao, Z.-D.Chu, R.-F. Dou, Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, D. G.Naugle, and L.He*,“Angle-dependent van Hove singularities andtheir breakdown in Twisted Graphene Bilayers”.Phys.Rev. B Vol: 90, PP. 115402, (2014).
112.W. Y.He, Y. Su, M. Yang, L. He*, “Creating in-plane pseudo-magnetic fields inexcess of 1000 T by misoriented stacking in a graphene bilayer”.Phys.Rev. B Vol: 89, PP. 125418, (2014).
113.Y.-L. Han, Z.-Z.Luo, C.-J. Li, S.-C. Shen, G.-L. Qu, C.-M. Xiong, R.-F. Dou, L. He, and J.-C. Nie*, “Carrier-mediated Kondo effect and Hallmobility by electrolyte gating in slightly doped anatase TiO2 films” Phys.Rev. B Vol: 90, PP. 205107,(2014).
114.Y.-L.Han, S.-C. Shen, J. You, H.-Q. Li, Z.-Z. Luo, C.-J. Li, G.-L. Qu, C.-M. Xiong,R.-F. Dou, L. He, D. Naugle, G.-P.Guo, J.-C. Nie*, “Two-dimensional superconductivity at(110) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 105, PP.192603, (2014).
115.W. Y.He, Z.-D. Chu, and L. He*, “Chiral tunneling in a twisted graphene bilayer”. Phys.Rev. Lett.Vol: 111, PP. 066803, (2013).
116.W. Yan,W. Y. He, Z.-D. Chu, M.Liu, R.-F. Dou, L. Meng, L. Feng, Y. F. Zhang,Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Strainand curvature induced evolution of electronic band structures of TwistedGraphene Bilayer”.Nature Commun.Vol: 4, PP. 2159, (2013).
117.W. Y.He, L. He*, “Coupled Spin and Pseudo-magnetic Field inGraphene Nanoribbons”. Phys.Rev. B Vol: 88, PP. 085411, (2013).
118.L. Meng, W. Y. He,H. Zheng, M. Liu, H. Yan,W. Yan, Z.-D. Chu, R.-F. Dou, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Strain-induced one-dimensional Landau quantizations in CorrugatedGraphene”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 87, PP. 205405, (2013).
119.Z.-D.Chu, W. Y. He, and L. He*, “Coexistence of van Hove Singularities and SuperlatticeDirac Points in a Slightly Twisted Graphene Bilayer”.Phys.Rev. B Vol: 87, PP. 155419, (2013).
120.H. Yan, Z.-D. Chu,W. Yan, M. Liu, L.Meng, M. Yang, Y. Fan, J. Wang, R.-F.Dou, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L.He*, “SuperlatticeDirac Points and Space-dependent Fermi Velocity in Corrugated GrapheneMonolayer”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 87, PP. 075405, (2013).
121.L.Meng, Y. Su, D. Geng, G.Yu, Y. Liu, R.-F. Dou, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Hierarchyof Graphene Wrinkles Induced by Thermal Strain Engineering”.Appl.Phys. Lett. Vol: 103, PP. 251610, (2013).
122.H. Yan, C.-C. Liu, K.-K. Bai, X. Wang, M. Liu, W. Yan, L. Meng, Y.Zhang, Z. Liu, J.-C. Nie, Y. G. Yao,andL. He*, “Electronic structures of graphene layers on metal foil: the effectof atomic defects”.Appl.Phys. Lett. Vol: 103, PP. 143120,(2013).
123.W. Yan, M. Liu, R.-F.Dou, L. Meng, L. Feng, Z.-D. Chu, Y. F. Zhang*, Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Angle Dependent Van Hove Singularities in a SlightlyTwisted Graphene Bilayer”. Phys.Rev. Lett. Vol: 109, PP. 126801, (2012).
124.L.Meng, Z.-D. Chu, Y. Zhang, J.-Y. Yang, R.-F. Dou, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “EnhancedIntervalley Scattering of Twisted Bilayer Graphene by Periodic AB Stacked Atoms”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 85, PP. 235453, (2012).
125.L. Feng, X. Lin, L. Meng, J.-C. Nie, J. Ni, and L. He*, “Flat Bands near FermiLevel of Topological Line Defects on Graphite”. Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 101, PP. 113113, (2012).
126.H. Yan, R. Xu, X. Hong, Y. Sun, L. Feng, J.-C. Nie, and L. He*, “Zero-bias anomaly in one-dimensional ultrathinmetallic nanowires”.AIP Advances Vol:2, PP. 032143, (2012).
127.J.-Y.Yang, Y.-L. Han, L. He, R.-F. Dou, C.-M.Xiong, J.-C. Nie*, “d carrier induced intrinsic room temperatureferromagnetism in Nb:TiO2 film”. Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 100, PP. 202409, (2012).
128.R. Xu,H. Yan, W.-Y. He, Y. Su, J.-C. Nie, L.He*, “Ultrathin α-Fe2O3nanoribbons and their Moiré patterns”. J. Phys. Chem. C Vol: 116, PP. 6879, (2012).
129.L. Meng, Y. Zhang, W. Yan, L. Feng, L. He*, R.-F. Dou, and J.-C. Nie, “Single-layerbehavior and slow carrier density dynamic of twisted graphene bilayer”. Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol: 100, PP. 091601, (2012). This paper hasbeen selected for the March 19, 2012 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science& Technology.
130.P. Lv, Y. Zhang, R. Xu, J. C. Nie, and L. He*, “Anomalousmagnetic properties of 7 nm single-crystal Co3O4nanowires”. J.Appl. Phys. Vol: 111, PP. 013910, (2012).
131.H. Yan,Y. Sun, L. He*, J. C. Nie, and M. H.W. Chan, “Observation of Landaulevel–like quantizations at 77 K along a strained-induced graphene ridge”. Phys.Rev. B Vol: 85, PP. 035422, (2012).
2023年:任雅宁(北京师范大学) 郑旗(湖南大学)
2022年:刘亦文(以色列Weizmann Institute of Science)
2021年:张钰(北京理工大学) 符中秋(北京师范大学(珠海))
2015年:闫巍(美国卡内基.梅隆大学) 许瑞(中国人民大学)