地址: 北京师范大学物理学系高等量子研究中心
邮编: 100875
电话: +86-10-58806775 (office)
E-mail: zyuan@bnu.edu.cn
2014∼2015德国美因茨大学,Junior Team Leader
固体物理教学的若干思考I:多轨道紧束缚近似,袁喆,大学物理,2020, 39(12): 1-4。
固体物理教学的若干思考II:磁学前沿案例,袁喆,大学物理,2021, 40(4): 1-5。
1. Coherent picture on the pure spin transport between Ag/Bi and ferromagnets. J. Cheng, B. F. Miao*, Z. Liu, M. Yang, K. He, Y. L. Zeng, H. Niu, X. Yang, Z. Q. Wang, X. H. Hong, S. J. Fu, L. Sun, Y. Liu, Y. Z. Wu, Z. Yuan*, and H. F. Ding*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 097203 (2022).
2. Fourfold anisotropic magnetoresistance of L10 FePt due to relaxation time approximation. Y. Dai, Y. W. Zhao, L. Ma, M. Tang, X. P. Qiu, Y. Liu, Zhe Yuan* and S. M. Zhou*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 247202 (2022).
3. Calculating the spin memory loss at Cu|metal interfaces from first principles. Ruixi Liu, Kriti Gupta, Zhe Yuan*, and Paul J. Kelly*, Phys. Rev. B 106, 014401 (2022).
4. Spin accumulation and dissipation excited by an ultrafast laser pulse. Wen-Tian Lu and Zhe Yuan*, Phys. Rev. B 104, 214404 (2021).
5. Spin transport at finite temperatures: A first-principles study for ferromagnetic|nonmagnetic interfaces. Kriti Gupta, Rien J. H. Wesselink, Zhe Yuan*, and Paul J. Kelly*, Phys. Rev. B 104, 205426 (2021).
6. Spin-Flip Diffusion Length in 5d Transition Metal Elements: A First-Principles Benchmark. Rohit S. Nair, Ehsan Barati, Kriti Gupta, Zhe Yuan*, and Paul J. Kelly*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 196601 (2021).
7. Strain-induced Anisotropic Terahertz Emission From a Fe(211)/Pt(110) Bilayer. C.Q. Liu, W.-T. Lu, Z.X. Wei, Y.F. Miao, P. Wang, H. Xia, Y.P. Liu, F.L. Zeng, J.R. Zhang, C. Zhou, H.B. Zhao, Y.Z. Wu*, Z. Yuan*, and J.B. Qi*, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 044022 (2021).
8. Anticipative Trackingwith the Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity of Spintronic Devices. Qi Zheng, Yuanyuan Mi, Xiaorui Zhu, ZheYuan*, and Ke Xia, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 044060 (2020).
9. Intrinsic mechanism for anisotropic magnetoresistance and experimental confirmation in CoxFe1-x single-crystal films. F. L. Zeng, Z. Y. Ren, Y. Li, J. Y. Zeng, M. W. Jia, J. Miao, A. Hoffmann, W. Zhang, Y. Z. Wu*, and Z. Yuan*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 097201 (2020).
10. Disorder dependence of interface spin memory loss. Kriti Gupta, Rien J. H. Wesselink, Ruixi Liu, Zhe Yuan*, and Paul J. Kelly*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 087702 (2020).
11. Interface reflectivity of a superdiffusive spin current in ultrafast demagnetization and terahertz emission. Wen-Tian Lu, Yawen Zhao, Marco Battiato, Yizheng Wu, and Zhe Yuan*, Phys. Rev. B 101, 014435 (2020).
12. Noncollinearity-modulated Electronic Properties of Monolayer CrI3. Lingling Ren, Qian Liu, Pengxiang Xu, Zhicheng Zhong, Li Yang, Zhe Yuan*, and Ke Xia, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 054042 (2019).
13. Proper dissipative torques in antiferromagnetic dynamics. H. Y. Yuan, Qian Liu, Ke Xia, Zhe Yuan*, and X. R. Wang*, EPL 126, 67006 (2019).
14. Calculating the transport properties of magnetic materials from first principles including thermal and alloy disorder, noncollinearity, and spin-orbit coupling. Anton A. Starikov, Yi Liu, Zhe Yuan* and Paul J. Kelly*, Phys. Rev. B 97, 214415 (2018).
15. Mode-dependent damping in metallic antiferromagnets due to intersublattice spin pumping Qian Liu, H. Y. Yuan, Ke Xia and Zhe Yuan*, Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 061401 (2017).
16. Anisotropic spin relaxation induced by surface spin-orbit effects Chao Zhou, Faith Kandaz, Yunjiao Cai, Chuan Qin, Mengwen Jia, Zhe Yuan*, Yizheng Wu* and Yi Ji*, Phys. Rev. B 96, 094413 (2017).
17. Influence of nonlocal damping on field-driven domain wall motion H. Y. Yuan, Zhe Yuan*, Ke Xia and X. R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 94, 064415 (2016).
18. Spin-orbit-coupling induced torque in ballistic domain walls: Equivalence of charge-pumping and nonequilibrium magnetization formalisms Zhe Yuan* and Paul J. Kelly, Phys. Rev. B 93, 224415 (2016).
19. Giant Room Temperature Interface Spin Hall and Inverse Spin Hall Effects Lei Wang, R. J. H. Wesselink, Yi Liu, Zhe Yuan*, Ke Xia, and Paul J. Kelly, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 196602 (2016).
20. Gilbert damping in noncollinear ferromagnets Zhe Yuan*, Kjetil M. D. Hals, Yi Liu, Anton A. Starikov, Arne Brataas, and Paul J. Kelly, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 266603 (2014).
21. Interface enhancement of Gilbert damping from first principles Yi Liu, Zhe Yuan*, R. J. H. Wesselink, Anton A. Starikov, and Paul J. Kelly, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 207202 (2014).
22. Spin-orbit-coupling-induced domain-wall resistance in diffusive ferromagnets Zhe Yuan*, Yi Liu, Anton A. Starikov, Paul J. Kelly, and Arne Brataas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 267201 (2012).