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3. Metallic Phase in Quantum Hall Systems due to Inter-Landau-Band Mixing, Gang Xiong, Shi-Dong Wang, Qian Niu, De-Cheng Tian, and X. R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87(2001)216802.
4. Absence of zero-temperature transmission rate of a double-chain tight-binding model for DNA with random sequence of nucleotides in thermodynamic limit, Gang Xiong, X. R. Wang, Phys. Lett. A344(2005)64.
5. Disorder-induced delocalization in quantum wires: One-dimensional tight-binding ideal chain, Gang Xiong, Phys. Rev. B76(2007)153303.
6. A possible unified picture for both scaling and non-scaling plateau-to-plateau transitions in quantum Hall systems, Gang Xiong, Shi-Dong Wang, Qian Niu, Y. P. Wang, X. R. Wang, Europhys. Lett. 82(2008)47008.