





邮箱: sijie@bnu.edu.cn




2002年毕业于美国芝加哥大学物理系,获博士学位。 20022005年任葡萄牙里斯本科技大学(Instituto Superior Tecnico)博士后;2005年起任北京师范大


新世纪优秀人才支持计划。获教育部2016年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果-自然科学二等奖(第二完成人)。2020年受邀担任Classical and Quantum 

Gravity 编委。


19919∼19956                 在北京师范大学物理学系攻读学士学位。

19959∼19986                 在北京师范大学物理学系攻读硕士学位。

19989∼20027                 在美国芝加哥攻读博士学位。主要从事引力与相对论的研究。


20029∼20056                 在葡萄牙里斯本科技大学物理系从事博士后工作,研究方向为引力与相对论。

20059∼20119                 北京师范大学物理学系副教授。

20119至今                           北京师范大学物理学系教授。



量子力学, 引力理论专题

1.      Minyong Guo, Zhen Zhong, Jinguang Wang and Sijie GaoLight rings and long-lived modes in quasiblack holespacetimes”,Phys.Rev.D 105, 024049(2022).

2.      Minyong Guo and Sijie GaoUniversal properties of light rings forstationary axisymmetric spacetimes”,Phys.Rev.D 103,104031 (2021).

3.      Jie Jiang, Xiongjun Fang and Sijie Gao, Universality of entropy principle for a generaldiffeomorphism-covariant purely gravitational theory”, Chin. Phys. C 45,103103 (2021).

4.      Chengcheng Liu and Sijie Gao, “Overcharging nonlinear electrodynamic black holes atlinear order and the weak cosmic censorship conjecture”,  Phys.Rev. D 101, 124067 (2020).

5.      Xiaobao Wang, Xiaoning Wu and Sijie Gao, “Critical phenomena ingravitational collapse of

Husain–Martinez–Nunez scalar field”,  Eur.Phys. J. C  79:823 (2019).

6.      Jie Jiang and Sijie Gao, “Universality of BSW mechanism for spinning particles”,  Eur.Phys. J. C  79:378 (2019).

7.      Yuan Zhang and Sijie Gao, “First law and Smarr formula of black hole

mechanics in nonlinear gauge theories”,  Class.Quantum Grav. 35, 145007 (2018).

8.      Minyong Guo and Sijie Gao, “Kerr black holes as accelerators of spinning testparticles”,  Phys. Rev. D 93, 084025 (2016).

9.      Xiaobao Wang and Sijie Gao, “Static spherically symmetric thin shell wormholecolliding with a spherical thin shell”,  Phys. Rev. D 93, 064027 (2016).

10.  Xiongjun Fang and Sijie Gao, “Proof of entropy principle in Einstein-Maxwell theory”,Phys. Rev. D 92, 024044 (2015).

11.  Yuan Zhang and Sijie Gao, “Mass dependence of the entropy product and sum”, Phys. Rev. D 91, 064032 (2015).

12.  Gerui Chen, Xiaoning Wu and Sijie Gao,  “Note on electrical and thermodynamicproperties of isolated horizons”,  Phys. Rev. D 91, 064042 (2015).

13.  Xiongjun Fang and Sijie Gao, “General proof of the entropy principle forself-gravitating fluid in static spacetimes”, Phys. Rev. D 90,  044013(2014).

14.  Yuan Zhang and Sijie Gao, “Testing cosmic censorship conjecture near extremalblack holes with cosmological constants”, IJMPD 23, 1450044 (2014).

15.  Sijie Gao, Yuan Zhang, “Destroying extremal Kerr-Newman blackholes with test particles”,

  Phys. Rev. D 87, 044028 (2013).

16.   Sijie Gao, “Addendum to  ‘generalmaximum entropy principle for self-gravitating perfect fluid’”, Phys. Rev. D 85,  027503 (2012).

17.  Sijie Gao, “General maximum entropy principle forself-gravitating perfect fluid”,

Phys. Rev. D 84, 104023 (2011).

18.  Changchun Zhong, Sijie Gao, “Particle collisions near the cosmological horizon of aReissner-Nordström de Sitter black hole” , JETP Lett 94,  589  (2011).

19.  Sijie Gao, Changchun Zhong,“Non-extremal Kerr black holes as particle accelerators”,

     Phys.Rev.D 84, 044006(2011)

20.  Xiaojun Yue, Sijie Gao, “Stability of Brans-Dicke thin shell wormholes”,

Phys.Lett. A 375, 2193 (2011)

21.  Xiangdong Zhang, Xiaoning Wu, Sijie Gao, “On Newman-Penrose constantsof stationary electrovacuum spacetimes”, Phys.Rev.D79, 104001, (2009)

22.  Xihao Deng, Sijie Gao, “ReversibleCarnot Cycle outside a black hole” , ChinesePhysics B, 18, 927(2009).

23.  Sijie Gao and Xiaoning WuProof of the entropy bound on dynamical horizons”,
 J. High Energy Phys.  JHEP08(2008) 005.

24. Sijie Gao and Jose’ P. S.LemosCollapsingand static thin massive charged dust shells in a Reissner-Nordström black hole background in higher dimensions IJMPA,23, 2943, (2008).

25.  Sijie GaoHongbao ZhangCan gravitational dynamicsbe obtained by diffeomorphism invariance of action? Phys. Rev. D 75, 068501(2007)

26.  Xiaoning Wu, Sijie Gao,“Tunneling Effect Near WeaklyIsolated Horizon”,

    Phys.Rev. D 75  044027(2007).

27.  Goncalo A. S.Dias, Sijie Gao,Jose' P. S.Lemos,“Charged shells inLovelock gravity:  Hamiltonian treatmentand physical implications Phys.Rev. D75, 024030 (2007).

28.   Z.Zhao, T.Hua, L. Liu and S. Gao, “How to Define theEquality of Durations in Measurement of Time”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23,3165 (2006)

29.  S.Gao &  J. Lemos, “The Tolman-Bondi--Vaidya Spacetime: matching timelike dust tonull dust”, Phys.Rev. D71 084022(2005).

30.  S.Gao &  J. Lemos,  “Local conditions for thegeneralized covariant entropy bound”,  Phys.Rev. D71  084010 (2005).

31.  S.Gao &  J. Lemos,  “The covariant entropybound in gravitational collapse”,

 JHEP 0404  017 (2004).

32.   S. Gao, “First law of black hole mechanics in Einstein-Maxwell and Einstein-Yang-Millstheories”,  Phys.Rev. D 68 044016 (2003).

33.  S.Gao,  “Late-time particle creation fromgravitational collapse to an extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole”,  Phys.Rev. D 68 044028 (2003).

34.  S.Gao and R.M. Wald,  “The "physical process" version ofthe first law and the generalized second law for charged and rotating blackholes”,  Phys.Rev. D 64  084020 (2001).

35.  S.Gao and R.M. Wald,  “Theorems on gravitational time delay andrelated issues”, Class. Quantum Grav. 17,4999, (2000)

36.  S.Gao, Z. Kuang and C.Liang, “Clock rate synchronizable reference in curved spacetime”,  J.Math. Phys. 39, 2862 (1998)




















