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2.Heralded quantum repeater based on the scattering of photons off single emitters using parametric down-conversion source, Guo-Zhu Song, Fang-Zhou Wu, Mei Zhang, Guo-Jian Yang, Scientific Reports 6, 28744 (2016).
3.Complete nondestructive analysis of two-photon six-qubit hyperentangled Bell states assisted by cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Qian Liu, Guan-Yu Wang, Qing Ai, Mei Zhang, Fu-Guo Deng, Scientific Reports 5, 22016 (2016).
4.Generation and complete nondestructive analysis of hyperentanglement assisted by nitrogen-vacancy centers in resonators, Qian Liu and Mei Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 91, 062321 (2015).
5.Synchronization in nonlinear oscillators with conjugate coupling, Wenchen Han, Mei Zhang, Junzhong Yang, Chaos, Soliton and Fractals 71, 1 (2015).
6.Transport of quantum excitations via local and nonlocal fluctuations, M. Zhang, Tony E. Lee and H. R. Sadeghpour, Phys. Rev. A 91, 052101 (2015).
7.Universal quantum gates for atomic systems assisted by Faraday rotation, Guozhu Song and Mei Zhang, Laser Physics Letters 8, 085203 (2015).