1. Zhenxing Liu* and D. Thirumalai*, Cooperativity and Folding Kinetics in a Multidomain Proteinwith Interwoven Chain Topology, ACS Central Science 2022, 8, 763−774
2. Meng Qin, Natalia Denesyuk, Zhenxing Liu,Wei Wang,* and D. Thirumalai*, Temperature and Guanidine Hydrochloride Effectson the Folding Thermodynamics of WW Domain and Variants, J. Phys. Chem. B 2021,125, 11386−11391
3. Wenbin Kang, Chuan He, Zhenxing Liu,Jun Wang*, Wei Wang*, Composition-related structural transition of randompeptides: insight into the boundary between intrinsically disordered proteinsand folded proteins,Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics,2019, 37( 8): 1956-1967.
4. Zhenxing Liu*, D. Thirumalai, DenaturantsAlter the Flux through Multiple Pathways in the Folding of PDZ Domain, J. Phys.Chem. B 2018, 122, 1408−1416.
5. Shuangshuang Zhang, Li-Jian Qu, TongchuanSuo*, Zhenxing Liu, and Dadong Yan*, Multiple Transitions between VariousOrdered and Disordered States of a Helical Polymer underStretching, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017, 146, 174904.
6. Zhenxing Liu*,Govardhan Reddy ,D. Thirumalai,Folding PDZ2Domain Using the Molecular Transfer Model,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2016,120, 8090−8101.
7. Liqin Xiong ,Zhenxing Liu*,Molecular dynamicsstudy on folding and allostery in RfaH,Proteins-Structure Function andBioinformatics,2015,83(9):1582-1592.
8. D.Thirumalai*,Zhenxing Liu,Edward P. O'Brien,Govardhan Reddy,Protein folding:from theory to practice,Current Opinion in Structural Biology,2013,23(1):22-29.
9. Govardhan Reddy,Zhenxing Liu,D. Thirumalai*,Denaturant-dependentfolding of GFP,Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2012,109(44):17832-17838.
10. Zhenxing Liu ,Govardhan Reddy*,D. Thirumalai,,Theory of the MolecularTransfer Model for Proteins with Applications to the Folding of the src-SH3Domain,Journal ofPhysical Chemistry B,2012, 116(23): 6707-6716.
11. Zhenxing Liu ,Govardhan Reddy,Edward P. O'Brien,D. Thirumalai*,Collapse kineticsand chevron plots from simulations of denaturant-dependent folding of globularproteins,Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences of theUnited States of America,2011,108(19):7787-7792.
12. Zhenxing Liu ,Jie Chen,D. Thirumalai* ,On the accuracy ofinferring energetic coupling between distant sites in protein families from evolutionaryimprints: Illustrations using lattice model,Proteins-Structure Function andBioinformatics,2009,77(4):823-831.
13. Limin Wang* ,Weiyi Zhang* ,Zhenxing Liu ,Properties of aUnique Type of Critical State in the Two-Dimensional Two-Band Anderson LatticeModel in the Presence of Site-Selective Disorder,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,2008,77(12)。
14. Limin Wang* ,Zhenxing Liu ,Weiyi Zhang,Localization andscaling behavior of polariton-gap in Fibonacci and symmetric Fibonacci-classpiezomagnetic superlattices,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,2008,77(3).
15. Zhenxing Liu* ,Limin Wang,Hui He,Weiyi Zhang,Trifurcation of band-gapstructure and coexistence of lattice-like states and critical states inpiezoelectric period-doubling superlattices,European Physical Journal B,2007,59(2):179-184.
16. Zhenxing Liu *,Weiyi Zhang,Bifurcation inband-gap structures and extended states of piezoelectric Thue-Morsesuperlattices,Physical Review B,2007,75(6).
17. Zhenxing Liu* ,Weiyi Zhang,Study of thephonon-polaritons in piezomagnetic superlattices using a generalized transfermatrix method,Journal ofPhysics: Condensed Matter,2006,18(39):9083-9092.
18. Zhenxing Liu* ,Weiyi Zhang,Multibandpolaritonic filter made of piezoelectric superlattices,Physics Letters A,2006,351(3):192-197.
19. Zhenxing Liu* ,Weiyi Zhang,Scaling andlocalization of polaritonic states in piezoelectric Fibonacci superlattices,Physical Review B,2005,72(13).
20. Weiyi Zhang* ,Zhenxing Liu ,Zhenlin Wang,Band structuresand transmission spectra of piezoelectric superlattices,Physical Review B,2005,71(19).
1. 刘振兴,王引书,李晓文,彭婧, 李融武, 大学物理实验课程的分类指导教学改革研究, 物理实验,2018,12。
2. 彭芳麟, 梁颖, 刘振兴, 在计算物理基础课中用MATLAB培养学生的编程能力, 大学物理, 2013, 09。