1. Experimental test of the 1/t-scaling entropy generation in finite-time thermodynamics
Y. H. Ma, R. X. Zhai, J. F. Chen, C. P. Sun, and H. Dong*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 210601 (2020)
2. Universal constraint for efficiency and power of a low-dissipation heat engine
Y. H. Ma, D. Xu*, H. Dong*, and C. P. Sun*, Phys. Rev. E 98, 042112 (2018)
3. Optimal operating protocol to achieve efficiency at maximum power of heat engines
Y. H. Ma, D. Xu*, H. Dong*, and C. P. Sun, Phys. Rev. E 98, 022133 (2018)
4. Optimizing thermodynamic cycles with two finite-sized reservoirs
H. Yuan, Y. H. Ma*, and C. P. Sun*, Phys. Rev. E 105, L022101 (2022)
5. Effect of finite-size heat source's heat capacity on the efficiency of heat engine
Y. H. Ma, Entropy 22, 1002 (2020)
6. Simple realization of the polytropic process with a finite-sized reservoir
Y. H. Ma, Am. J. Phys. 91, 555 (2023)
7. Revisiting Endoreversible Carnot Engine: Extending the Yvon Engine
X. H. Zhao and Y. H. Ma*, Entropy 27, 195 (2025)
1. 能造出功率和效率都高的热机吗?——有限时间热力学的发展与展望. 马宇翰,董辉,孙昌璞*,物理 50(01),2021
2. 理想气体有限时间热力学实验平台的搭建与有限时间热力学的前沿研究. 翟若迅,马宇翰,董辉*,孙昌璞*,物理实验 44(06),2024
邀稿论文:非对称有限热源之间热机循环的基本热力学约束. 赵秀花,涂展春,马宇翰*,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版) 59(06),2023
1. Minimal Model for Carnot Efficiency at Maximum Power (入选Trending in PRL)
S. Liang*, Y. H. Ma*, D. M. Busiello, P. D. L. Rios, Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 027101 (2025),
2. Finite-time optimization of quantum szilard heat engine
T. J. Zhou, Y. H. Ma*, and C. P. Sun*, Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 043001 (2024)
3. Engineering ratchet-based particle separation via extended shortcuts to isothermality
X. H. Zhao, Z. C. Tu, and Y. H. Ma*, Phys. Rev. E 110, 034105 (2024)
4. Temperature fluctuations in mesoscopic systems
Z. Fei and Y. H. Ma*, Phys. Rev. E 109, 044101 (2024)
5. Minimal Energy Cost to Initialize a Quantum Bit with Tolerable Error
Y. H. Ma, J. F. Chen, C. P. Sun, and H. Dong*, Phys. Rev. E 106, 034112 (2022)
6. Efficiency statistics of a quantum Otto cycle
Z. Fei, J. F. Chen, and Y. H. Ma*, Phys. Rev. A 105, 022609 (2022)
7. Consistency of optimizing finite-time Carnot engines with the low-dissipation model in the two-level atomic heat engine
Y. H. Ma, C. P. Sun, and H. Dong*, Commun. Theor. Phys. 73, 125101 (2021)
8. Quantum thermodynamic cycle with quantum phase transition
Y. H. Ma, S. H. Su, and C. P. Sun*, Phys. Rev. E 96, 022143 (2017)
9. Works with quantum resource of coherence
Y. H. Ma, C. L. Liu, and C. P. Sun*, arXiv: 2110.04550 (2021)
1. Non-thermal radiation of black holes off canonical typicality
Y. H. Ma, Q. Y. Cai, H. Dong, and C. P. Sun*, EPL 122, 30001 (2018)
2. Dark information of black hole radiation raised by dark energy
Y. H. Ma, J. F. Chen and C. P. Sun*, Nucl. Phys. B 931, 418 (2018)
3. Dark information in black hole with mimetic dark matter
Y. X. Liu*, Y. H. Ma, Y. Q. Wang, S. W. Wei, and C. P. Sun*, Symmetry 14, 118 (2022)
1. The uniqueness of the integration factor associated with the exchanged heat in thermodynamics
Y. H. Ma, H. Dong, H. T. Quan, and C. P. Sun*, Fundamental Research 1, 6 (2021)
2. Maximum entropy approach to reliability
Y. M. Du, Y. H. Ma, F. Y. Wei, X. F. Guan, and C. P. Sun*, Phys. Rev. E 101, 012006 (2020)
3. The heat and work of quantum thermodynamic processes with quantum coherence
S. H. Su, J. F. Chen, Y. H. Ma, J. C. Chen, and C. P. Sun*, Chin. Phys. B 27, 060503 (2018). Editor’s suggestion
4. Decoherence of macroscopic objects from relativistic effect
G. H. Dong, Y. H. Ma, J. F. Chen, X. Wang, and C. P. Sun*, Chin. Phys. B 27, 100301 (2018). Editor’s suggestion
1. Quantum sensing of rotation velocity based on transverse field Ising model
Y. H. Ma and C. P. Sun*, Eur. Phys. J. D 71, 249 (2017)
2. Directional quantum random walk induced by coherence
J. F. Chen, Y. H. Ma*, and C. P. Sun*, Front. Phys. 15, 21602 (2020)
3. Quantum illumination assistant with error-correcting codes
W. Z. Zhang, Y. H. Ma, J. F. Chen, and C. P. Sun*, New J. Phys. 22, 013011 (2020)